Home Learning!

Good Morning Reception!

Happy new Reception! We hope you have had a lovely break over the holidays. Now it is time to get your brains in gear and do some brilliant learning from home. It is a bit different at the moment and we hope that you will find the activities fun and enjoyable.

We will be using a combination of teacher videos and also videos from “Oak Academy” it is an online learning format that will guide you through different lessons. We will be posting the links for the lessons each day.

Please feel free to email us any pictures or videos of you learning at home. We would love to see them!



Week 1 Learning Resources 📚

Here are all the resources that you will need to complete this week’s learning tasks 😊



Literacy –  Use the tips in this PowerPoint to help you write a recount of your Christmas Holidays (this could be typed on Word, emailed or handwritten).

Wednesday – Christmas Recount

PSHENew Year Resolution PSHE powerpoint



Literacy – Reading Focus


Geography/Science: Watch Planet Earth clip. List 5 facts.

 BBC iPlayer – Planet Earth – 2. Mountains



Maths: Complete the following arithmetic paper.  2016_KS2_Arithmetic

Here is the mark scheme: 2016 KS2 arithmetic mark scheme

Art: Art Sketch The View Out of the Window

Timetable For Week 1 😊

Each week, we will be posting a timetable of activities for you to complete.⭐

This will consist of reading, P.E., Maths or English and a foundation subject each day.

Each activity will have either a PowerPoint or a video from Oak Academy (a government learning resource). Just click on the link to view these resources.

Please feel free to be flexible with the structure of the timetable e.g. if it suits you better to do maths first, and P.E. at the end of the day, that is absolutely fine. 😊

We are really missing seeing you all, so we will be phoning everyone at some point this week to have a chat and to see how you are! 🥰

In the meantime, if you have any questions or anything that you’d like to talk to us about, please don’t hesitate to contact us via the year 6 email:



Here is this week’s timetable.😊😊

Weekly Timetable 6th January

Stay safe and we will speak to you soon! 🌈♥🥰


Christmas cards in 1B

Another busy day. This time we have been making Christmas cards.


Christmas Family Quiz

Mr Porteous is hosting another family quiz for us on Friday 4th December at 5pm. Those of you who took part in the quizzes during lockdown will know they are good fun and very interactive. This one is Christmas themed so get those Christmas jumpers ready! You can join the live quiz via our school Facebook page.





Is your child eligible for free school meals or Early Years premium?

Schools are asked to encourage parents to go to Telford and Wrekin’s Website: Free School Meals to check eligibility and apply for free school meals.

Early Years and Childcare providers are being asked to encourage parents of pre-school age children to go to Telford and Wrekin’s Website: Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) to check eligibility for child care funding and apply for extra support.

Any questions, please do contact the school office via email or telephone.

Year 6 World War Two Art 🥰

The children in year 6 have been studying World War Two this term as part of their history topic.

This week, they have been learning about The Blitz. Here are some of the fantastic pieces of artwork that the children created of St Paul’s Cathedral during The Blitz.

Telford and Wrekin Bulletin

Message from Telford and Wrekin:

Many residents who have tested positive for coronavirus have also displayed other symptoms than the main ones.

As the number of cases in our borough remains high and above the national average – we need to identify cases as early as possible, so we can slow down the spread of the virus.

We are now asking you to book a COVID-19 test as a precaution, if you are showing other symptoms, such as:

  • Headaches
  • Aches and pains
  • Feeling tired for no good reason
  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose
  • Sneezing
  • Tummy ache in children

You can book a test online, it’s quick and easy.

When you get the following question in the online form “Why are you asking for a test?”  – you need to select the following answer:
– My local council or health protection team has asked me (or someone I live with) to get a test, even though I do not have symptoms

If you are booking a coronavirus test as a precaution due to one or more of the above symptoms, you don’t need to self-isolate unless you receive a positive test result.

For the full bulletin please click on the following link:

