
Remembrance Day

This week in nursery we have been learning about Remembrance Day, we have watched the BBC Children’s remembrance film, a beautiful animation that sees war as experienced by animals in a WWI battlefield. We then all worked as a team to print cork poppies for our nursery window and to paint poppies to make bunting for the playground.




Year 6 Prayers For Our Planet 🌎🥰

This week, the children in Year 6 have been thinking about how we can protect the planet. 😊 They have been talking about the 3 Rs- Reduce, Recycle, Re-use – and how we can make small steps in saving the environment. They have also been writing prayers about saving the planet. 🥰

Well Done Year 6! 🥰

Well done to all of the children in Year 6 for such a fantastic half term!👍

You really have had a brilliant start to the year, and you should all be very proud of yourselves!😊

We hope you all have a lovely break and we look forward to seeing you after half term! 🤩🤩🤩

E-Safety in Year 6 😊

This week, the children in Year 6 have been learning about ways to stay safe online.

We’ve been so impressed with how sensible and mature they have all been when we’ve been talking about online safety! Great work 👍👍


Follow the link to find out more 😊 https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/8_10/stay-safe/

European Day of Languages

European Day of Languages 2020

September 26

The European Day of Languages is celebrated every year on 26th September.

Europe is lucky to enjoy a rich diversity of language and cultures with 200 European languages, 24 Official EU languages and it is estimated around 60 regional or minority languages. These figures are not including languages spoken by people from elsewhere within the world who have migrated to live within the EU which enrich the diversity of languages spoken still further. The purpose of the European Day of Language is to celebrate both the cultural and linguistic diversity within Europe and to encourage and promote language learning.
The aims of the European Day of Languages include:
To celebrate the diversity of languages and cultures within Europe.
To encourage language learning at any age.
To promote intercultural understanding.

Here at St George’s we will be celebrating the event throughout the following week, with Madame Sohier leading all the events in her French lessons. We will be looking at varying cultures, their languages and traditions. We will be creating a shape poem “Rainbow of Love” in French to share with our friends.


This week we have written some prayers for our first week back and the school community.

Here are some examples below.

Spelling shed – last update 13th July 2020!

A huge well done to all the children who have been playing Spelling shed over the last few weeks and months. I have been so impressed with how many of you have been playing and contributing lots of points to your team.

Well done to:

  1. Year 3, set 1 (still on top with a huge 174,180,318 points)
  2. 2B (still 2nd – amazing)
  3. Year 5, set 1 (up 1 place)
  4. Year 3, set 2 (up 1 place)
  5. Year 4, set 2 (new to top 5!)

And for all the children in the top 10, you have been working so hard. Well done to:

  1. Orla P (Y3)
  2. Oliver H (Y3)
  3. Taylor – 2B (new to the top 10 – well done)
  4. Amelia (Y3)
  5. Harman (Y2)
  6. Isabelle C (Y3)
  7. Robyn (Y5)
  8. Darcy J (Y5)
  9. Alexander – Y3 (new to the top 10 – well done)
  10. Evan D (Y2)

You can still practise on Spelling shed during the holidays if you wish to. All previous spellings are saved onto your account.

Have a lovely Summer,


Mrs McEvoy 🙂

Spelling shed update – 9th July 2020

A big well done as I can see lots more children have been playing on Spelling shed. I will share all the names tomorrow!

The classes leader board has had a little shake up!

  1. Year 3, set 1 (still on top!)
  2. 2B (up 2 places)
  3. Year 4, set 1
  4. Year 5, set 1 (up 1 place)
  5. Year 3, set 2

And a big well done to the following children, who are all in the top 10 spellers in the whole school.

  1. Orla (still on top – wow!)
  2. Oliver H – Y3 (a new addition to the top 10 – well done!)
  3. Layla  C
  4. Harman (up 6 places!)
  5. Robyn D
  6. Evan D (up 1 place)
  7. Darcy J
  8. Amelia O
  9. Tomasz (a new addition to the top 10 – well done)
  10. Parker (a new addition to the top 10 – well done)

How fantastic to see lots of new additions to the top 10 spellers. Keep an eye out for the last leader board update next week. Can you get your name onto the leader board?



We hope you have all had lots of fun researching your scientists and conducting lots of exciting experiments!

I will attach the PDF’s with all the activities on again below, just in case you have missed them! If you have completed your year groups activities and want to do some more, feel free to dip into any other year groups resources or you could do them with your siblings!

Remember to share any photos or videos with us at nurseryteam@stgeorgesschool.org.uk.

EY Bubbles

KS1 Paper Planes

Whole school spinners

y34 sundials and space

y56 Telephones

Two girls in year 5, Evie and Ruby, have sent us some photos already. Have a look at their super work below.


Super Scientists - Science Bulletin Board | Science bulletin ...

We can’t wait to see your photos and videos, St George’s!