Spelling shed players – Year 5 and 6!

Well done to all of the following children who have contributed points to their teams this week.

Year 5, set 3 – Keaton, Oliver G

Year 5, set 2 – Charlie, Darcy J, Evie, Reece, Ruby

Year 5, set 1 – Grace Williamson, Robyn, Sophie C

Year 6, set 1 – I can’t see your class, sorry.

Year 6, set 2 – Brodie, Miley-Mae, Sophie

Year 6, set 3 – Alec

Come on Year 5 and 6! Let’s get more children practising their spellings and see if you can get your name and class on the leader board.

Spelling shed update – 29th June 2020!

Let’s see how things have changed on Spelling shed since last Monday!

Mrs Tidman’s set are still on top with Mr Richards’ set in 2nd place. 2B have worked their way up to 3rd place which is fantastic and year 5, set 2 are now 4th – well done. Year 6, set 1 have dropped 1 position to 5th place – can they make their way back?

Now let’s look at which children have contributed lots of points to their teams.

Well done to:

  1. Ameila (Y3)
  2. Orla (Y3)
  3. Layla (Y4)
  4. Logan (Y5)
  5. Jacob W (Y6)
  6. Harman (Y2)
  7. Dillon (Y3)
  8. Robyn (Y5)
  9. Isabelle C (Y3)
  10. Evan (Y2)

Lots of these children have been in the top 10 most weeks. What a fantastic achievement! A big well done to each one of you! Welcome to the top 10, Harman! Hope to see you there next week too!

Keep it up, super spellers!

Literacy – week beginning 29th June

This week we will be having a reading focus! Your challenge is to read anything you like. It could be: a story, encyclopaedia, newspaper, magazine, football programme or anything else you can think of! We would love you then to recommend it to your friends in Year 5. You could produce a book review, a poster, a PPT, a 3D model or any other way you wish to present your book!

Friday Flashback: Read This Book!! | Persuasive writing, First ... Book project posters with book reviews. Students create a poster ... Year 8 Book Reviews | Crazy Like the Fox Year 8 Book Reviews ...Cereal Box book reports

Please share these with us on the school Facebook page or by emailing us at


Be as creative as you like! We can’t wait to see them 🙂

Summer Reading Challenge

Join in the fun and get involved with the ‘Silly Squad’ in the Summer Reading Challenge!

See how many books you can read and log onto the Summer Reading Challenge website to earn badges, downloads, rewards and much more 😊


We would love to know how you get on with your reading challenge and how many books you have read!

Happy reading and good luck 😊



Super Scientists!

Super Scientists!

We would love for you to make your very own string telephone!

How could you adapt it to make it even better?

What did Alexander Graham Bell invent?

Carry out further experiments all about sound.

Over the next two weeks, we would like our Year 5 and 6 children to learn more about sound and how it travels!

Activity ideas can be found here – y56 Telephones

We would love to see your experiments and research at school. Please email them to us at nurseryteam@stgeorgesschool.org.uk

Alexander Graham Bell - Inventions, Telephone & Facts - Biography 144 years pass since first words uttered on telephone What is sound? | Sound explained for primary-school children ...

Spelling shed update – 22nd June 2020!

There has been a switch round of places in the top 5 this week and a new addition to the leader board!

Well done to the following sets and classes:

  1. Year 3, set 1
  2. Year 4, set 1
  3. Year 5, set 1
  4. Year 6, set 1
  5. 2B

An extra special well done to 2B for making it into the top 5 in the whole school, how amazing!

Now for the top 10 children in the whole school. We have 3 new entrants into the top 10 so well done to Zara (Y6), Jasmine (Y6) and Caitlyn (Y4). I also said I would mention siblings. A big well done to Evan D (Y2) and Dillon C (Y3) who have both overtaken their big sisters in Year 5.

The top 10 is as follows:

  1. Layla (Y4)
  2. Orla (Y3)
  3. Dillon (Y3)
  4. Sophie (Y5)
  5. Zara (Y6)
  6. Amelia (Y3)
  7. Evan (Y2)
  8. Robyn (Y5)
  9. Jasmine (Y6)
  10. Caitlyn (Y4)

Remember to keep practising your spellings on Spelling shed. Can you make the top 10?


Maths – week beginning 22nd June!

This week we are going to be focusing on Fractions as an area some of us find tricky and also is a big focus in Year 6.

Some of these activities we have done in school so will be a good revision for you!

Equivalent fractions 

Higher Ability Mixed

Lower Ability Mixed

Middle Ability Mixed

Equivalent Fractions Activity Sheets

Improper fractions 

Improper Fractions Activity Sheets Answers

Improper Fractions Activity Sheets Questions

Ordering, comparing, adding, subtracting and multiplying fractions 

Year 5 Add Fractions with Denominators That Are Multiples Differentiated Activity Sheets

Year 5 Compare Fractions with Denominators That Are Multiples Differentiated Activity Sheets

Year 5 Multiply Proper Fractions Using Diagrams Activity Sheet

Year 5 Ordering Fractions Activity Sheet

Year 5 Subtract Fractions with Denominators That Are Multiples Differentiated Activity Sheets

If you get stuck on any of the above sheets, the link below to the BBC bitesize website has lots of videos to teach you how to do it. Or email us on the year 5 email. 


Here are some games you can play to help you practise your fractions. Some require a Twinkl log on which is free at the moment. 






We hope you have lots of fun learning about fractions. If you need any help, please get in touch on the year 5 email address. We are here to help you.

Stay safe and have a lovely week,

Your year 5 teachers.



Year 2 spellings – week beginning 22nd June

Your spellings this week contain the suffixes -ment, -ness and -ful. Have a look at the PPT to learn the rule, practise using the work sheets and see if you can get on the leader board in Spelling shed!

The words to practise are:











Year 2 Term 3A Week 1 Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check Sheet

Year 2 Term 3A Week 1 Presentation

Year 2 Term 3A Week 1 Word Lists

Year 2 Term 3A Week 1 Word Search

Spelling shed update – 18th June!

Wow, you have been working so hard on your spellings and it is all change again on Spelling shed again!

Well done to the following sets:

  1. Year 4, set 1
  2. Year 3, set 1
  3. Year 6, set 1
  4. Year 3, set 2
  5. Year 5, set 1

And an even bigger well done to the following children:

  1. Layla C (Y4)
  2. Jacob W (Y6)
  3. Isabelle C (Y3)
  4. Orla (Y3)
  5. Sophie C (Y5)
  6. Dillon C (Y3)
  7. Robyn (Y5)
  8. Amelia O (Y3)
  9. Oliver D (Y2)
  10. Evan D (Y2)

Lots of year 2’s and 3’s in the top 10 again – fantastic! Also a big well done to Sophie and Dillon C. Can you beat Sophie, Dillon? Can we get any other sibling pairs in the top 10?

Happy spelling over the weekend children. New spellings will be up on Saturday. Let’s see how the leader boards stand on Monday.