Newsletter Welcome

Welcome to our weekly newsletter where we share and celebrate news, events and achievements that have happened in the week. This is just a small selection of news so please do head to our website to read about more!

Year 4 Maths – Money, Money, Money!

Our Year 4 mathematicians have been learning about money, following on from our work on decimals.  We have some budding accountants and financial consultants in our midst!

Newsletter Welcome

This week our newsletter is packed full of items to celebrate as it actually covers the last two weeks. We do hope you enjoy reading about our exciting news! Please look on the website in the individual year groups’ pages for more information.

Special Prayer

Father God,

Help us in our work each day.

Give us concentration that we may listen,

understanding that we may learn,

and peaceful minds so that we may remember.


World art day in nursery!

On Monday we celebrated world Art day. We began by watching CBeebies  ‘Small Potatoes Art’ in which we learned about the many different art processes and creations. We then discussed what we would like to do to create our own art pieces. The children had a wonderful time expressing themselves on paper!


Newsletter Welcome

Welcome to our weekly newsletter where we share and celebrate news, events and achievements that have happened in the week. This is just a small selection of news so please do head to our website to read about more!


Thank you, dear God,

for the many kind people,

who help us along our way,

who smile when we’re happy,

who care when we’re tearful,

who keep us safe all through the day.


Managing Emotions 😀😡😰

It is important to help children understand their feelings and why they might be feeling 
certain ways. You can help your child understand their feelings by letting them know it 
is good to talk about how we feel, you can model this by talking about your own feelings 
in a child friendly and age appropriate way. It is important for children to understand 
that all feelings are normal. It is how we cope with these feelings and how we behave 
that really matters

Below is a link to a useful booklet of activities that you can do with your child to help 
them understand emotions. Work through each exercise to develop your child's emotional
literacy and ability to regulate their emotions. 

Emotions Detailed Rounded Lineal color icon

Building Resilience

Resilience is the ability to ‘bounce back’ after challenges and tough times.

For children, challenges and tough times include experiences like starting at a new school or kindergarten, moving house, or welcoming a sibling into the family. They can also include serious experiences like being bullied, family breakdown, family illness or death.
Children build resilience over time through experience. You can help your child learn skills and develop resilience by having a warm, supportive relationship with them.

Resilience: why it’s good for children?

Children who are resilient can recover from setbacks and get back to living their lives more quickly. And when children overcome setbacks and problems, it builds their confidence and helps them feel more capable the next time a problem comes up.
Resilient children are often good at solving problems and learning new skills. This is because they’re more willing to try again even if things don’t go the way they want the first time.
And when things don’t go well and children feel anxious, sad, disappointed, afraid or frustrated, resilience helps them understand that these uncomfortable emotions usually don’t last forever. They can experience these emotions and know they’ll be OK before too long.
Resilient children are less likely to avoid problems or deal with them in unhealthy ways, like getting defensive or aggressive or intentionally hurting themselves. Resilient children are also likely to have better physical and mental health than children who struggle to be resilient.

Download this free guide to help build your child’s resilience:

Building blocks for Resilience