Literacy – Week beginning 8th June

Over the next few weeks, we will be learning all about the features of leaflets leading up to writing our own in week 3. We will also be revising some SPAG questions.

Below we have attached all the resources you will need to help you to complete the tasks for week 1.

Here are the leaflets you will need on Wednesday. You could also use any of your own leaflets you have at home.







Monday – Party leaflet

shakespear leaflt


Tuesday – Railway leaflet


PPTs for the week.

MON – SPAG questions

THURS- Leaflet Reading Comp

TUESDAY – SPAG questions

WEDS- Find examples of features of leaflets

We hope you enjoy learning all about leaflets, Year 5!

Year 1 spellings – week beginning 8th June

Your spellings this week are more of your common exception words. These will all be available to practise on Spelling shed.

The words are:









Good luck!

Year 3 – set 3 spellings – week beginning 8th June

Your spellings this week all contain the o-e split digraph. These spellings will also be on Spelling shed. Remember to practise them.









Keep practising!

Spelling shed update – 4th June!

It has been another busy week on spelling shed. Well done to all the children who have been playing. Next week I will be having a look who has been playing and celebrating children who have been playing lots but haven’t quite made it into the top 10!

Classes leader board is as follows:

Year 5 set 1 are 1st

Year 5 set 3 are 2nd

Year 5 set 2 are 3rd

Year 4 set 1 are 4th (a new arrival to the top 5)

Year 3 set 2 are 5th

2P and 2BF, you are not far behind. Well done!

And now for the top 10 spellers in the whole school:

Olly (Y5)

Oliver L (Y5)

Layla C (Y4)

Georgia (Y5)

Logan (Y5)

Grace (Set 1, Y5)

Charlie (Y5)

Lili T (Y2)

Lucy T (Y2)

Gracie B (Y3)

Well done to all of these children!

Maybe set yourself a challenge this week to see if you can get into the top 10!



We would love to hear from you :)

Before half term, it was lovely to receive photos and messages from you with all the lovely work you have been doing. We miss hearing from you!

We would love to see what you have been doing either during half term or anything from over the last few weeks would be great 🙂

Photos are a bonus or just a message to say hi and how you are keeping!

Please share these with us on the year 5 email – and we will look forward to sharing them on the website for your friends to see too. You could also post them onto the St George’s Facebook page if you want to as well.

Looking forward to hearing from you all,

Mrs McEvoy, Mrs Holt, Mrs Branford and Mr Blair.

BBC Bitesize and Oak Academy!

Hi all,

Just a reminder that there are new lessons posted every weekday on both the BBC bitesize and Oak academy websites. You can access Literacy, Numeracy and Foundation subject lessons that you are interested in or just do the daily lesson.

Don’t forget to also practise your spellings on Spelling shed, your times tables on TTRS and a plethora of activities and resources on the Purple mash website. If you need help with any of your log on details, please email the Year 5 email address.

New spellings – week beginning 1st June

Hi Year 2,

We will  now be setting new spellings every week to practise at home with your families. These are now also set as a new assignment on Spelling shed.

The spelling rule is: The /er/ sound spelt with ‘or’ and the /or/ sound spelt with ‘ar’

The spellings are:











Below is a PPT explaining the new spelling rule and a variety of paper resources, including a Look, cover, write, check and wordsearch.

Year 2 Term 2B Week 4 Look, Say, Cover, Write

Year 2 Term 2B Week 4 Presentation

Year 2 Term 2B Week 4 Word List

Year 2 Term 2B Week 4 Word Search

Happy spelling, year 2!

Literacy Task

This week’s writing activities will be based on the story ‘Pippety Skycap- A Tale of Mischief’

Read the story with an adult and see if you can remember who said the following lines:

  • My poor ears!
  • Ouch, ouch ouch!
  • Yuck!
  • A-A-Achoo!

Which of Pippety’s tricks did you like the best? Draw a picture of your favourite part in the story.

Well-being and Guided Meditations 🎶

Hello Year 6,


I hope you are all well and having fun during lockdown 😊

I have attached a link to a youtube channel that has some wonderful guided meditations that are like stories and take you on a journey, they also have relaxing music for you to enjoy.

These are fab to do before bed too. 😍


Year 6 Team 🥰

Spelling shed!

Morning everyone,

Hope you’ve all had a wonderful time in the sunshine. Now let’s see how the leader board stands in Spelling shed!

It is all change after the weekend!

Year 5 set 3 are 1st

Year 3 set 1 are 2nd

Year 5 set 1 are 3rd

Mr Hylton’s set are 4th

and Mrs Blair’s set are 5th



Now for the children’s leader board,

Mason (Y5) – 1st

Orla (Y3) – 2nd

Oliver L (Y5) – 3rd

Samuel (Y3) – 4th

Edna (Y1) – 5th

Oliver D (Y2) – 6th

Jaidon S (Y5) – 7th

Grace (Y6) – 8th

Parker (Y3) – 9th

Emmerald (Y2) – 10th

A huge well done to all these children!

Keep it up, super spellers!