Story time with Jay from Arthog!

Hello Year 6 ๐Ÿ™‚


I know that so many of you enjoyed Jay’s story when we were in Arthog. I thought that you might enjoy hearing more of his amazing stories. If so, you can watch them on the Arthog Facebook channel. Follow the link below to access the Arthog page.



Year 6 Team ๐Ÿ™‚

Plastic Pollution Project!


This week, we would like you to do some research about plastic pollution, especially pollution in our oceans.

You could think about:

  • Where plastic pollution is
  • Why it happens
  • What effects it has on wildlife
  • How we can stop it

You can present your findings in any way you like… some ideas could be:

  • A PowerPoint
  • A video of you talking
  • A fact file
  • A picture
  • A poem
  • A report

We would love to see your work! You can email pictures or files to us at

We will be awarding prizes for the best projects ๐Ÿ˜Š

Have fun! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

White Rose Maths Daily Activities

A reminder that the White Rose Maths website are doing fantastic videos and activities to support Year 2 children with their learning. We did share this website with you a few weeks ago, but we appreciate that there has been a lot of websites shared with you.

Statutory Year 5 & 6 Spelling Words

I am sure you have been missing your spelling practise ๐Ÿ˜‰ so … attached are the Year 5 & 6 Statutory spelling words and activities for the first 5 words. These activities are not only linked to the spelling, but also the understanding and ability to use it in context.

Year 6-statutory-word-mat

Year 6 statutory spellings – first 5 words


Stay safe ๐Ÿ™‚




Jacob’s Golden Eagle Factfile

Thank you Jacob for sending us your fantastic fact file about Golden Eagles … we have learnt so many new facts. It is great to see what you have been up to at home too. ๐Ÿ™‚

Year 6 Team ๐Ÿ™‚

Maths Mystery Winners!

Huge congratulations to those of you who successfully solved the maths mystery and arrived at the following answers:

Mystery of Missing Football Cup wasย Victor Video


Mystery of the Winning Book Day Costume was Eli


Especially big congratulations to the following children who were successful and sent us their answers via the Year 6 email.

Amie, Zara, Alfie, Skye (year 5!) and to Jasmine who completed both!


Check back on Monday for more Maths and other curriculum activities.

Have a fantastic weekend and stay safe!

Year 6 team ๐Ÿ™‚

Spelling Shed

Don’t forget that you can practice your spellings by logging onto spelling shed; you will be able to practice the Year 4 100 spellings.

Spelling Shed