Wellbeing Champions and Ambassadors

This term the Wellbeing Champions have recruited a new team of Wellbeing Ambassadors to work with for 2023-24.

They will have regular meetings with Miss Mogg to discuss ideas on how to improve everyone’s mental health and wellbeing at St George’s.

Click below to meet them:

Wellbeing ambassadors 2023.34


Newsletter Welcome

Welcome to our weekly newsletter where we share and celebrate news, events and achievements that have happened in the week. This is just a small selection of new so head to our website to read about more!

Y5 Odd Socks Day- Anti Bullying Week

Lots of children in Year 5 took part in Odd Socks Day to raise awareness of Anti bullying week. We talked about what bullying really means and the negative effects of it.

Odd socks day is all about celebrating our individuality and how it is great to be different!

Click below to watch a 30minute live lesson you can join in with.

Anti-Bullying Week 2023 – Live Lesson – BBC Teach


U11 girls football

We’re super proud of these Year 5 and 6 girls who showed impressive amounts of perseverance during a particularly muddy encounter against Newport Juniors on Friday afternoon.

A busy day in 1B! 🤩

We have had a busy day today.

Lots of number bond work during early work, well done Aaliyah!

We have done some super subtraction.

We have created some super poppy art as part of Remembrance.

Well done 1B 😍

Welcome to our newsletter!

Welcome to our weekly newsletter where we share and celebrate news, events and achievements that have happened in the week. This is just a small selection of new so head to our website to read about more!

Forming letter a

This week, we have been learning how to write the letter a. We have learnt the formation phrase ‘around the astronauts helmet and down into space’. This is a tricky letter to write so please practise this at home too! Thank you.

Newsletter Welcome

Welcome to our Friday newsletter which celebrates some of the things we have been up to in school this week.

Have a lovely half term everyone! See you back at school on Monday 6th November.