Weekly Newsletter

Welcome to our weekly newsletter where we share and celebrate news, events and achievements that have happened in the week. This is just a small selection of new so head to our website to read about more!

Let’s Connect- Children’s Mental Health Week

Place2Be have shared some activities that families could do at home as part of Children’s Mental Health Week. This year’s theme is ‘Let’s Connect’.

Watch the video below to see how you could make paperchains as a way of discussing people, activities or places a child may feel connected to.

Newsletter Welcome!

Welcome to our new style newsletter which will be sent out weekly. The aim of these newsletters will be to capture what we’ve been up to in the week and celebrate events, news and achievements. This week our newsletter is pretty quiet being so close to the start of the school year, but I am sure it will get fuller as we move through the busy term!

Mrs Sixsmith

Head Teacher

Head’s Welcome


Come Dine with Me this week in Year 1 ??‍?

This week in Year 1 we took part in the D&T day – Come Dine With Me!

We loved created food for another class in the school. We all sat together and ate what we had made for each other.

Judaism ✡️

This morning we took part in a virtual workshop with a lovely lady called Ruth. Ruth is Jewish and she taught us lots about Judaism. She showed us many religious artefacts, taught us how to say some words in Hebrew and spoke about the history of the religion. All of the children behaved impeccably and asked Ruth some excellent questions.