Year 1 – Computing 💻

Our Year 1 children have continued to develop their mouse skills using the trackpad on the laptop. This week, the children used the paintz app to create their own picture of a poppy.

Salt dough!

Year 1 have had a fantastic afternoon exploring properties of materials. We discussed how materials can be elastic or rigid.  We then used salt dough to show how a material can be malleable, and change to rigid. We have had a very messy and fun afternoon!

Settings in year 1! 🐻🐻🐻

We are looking at the story Whatever Next! by Jill Murphy. Today we looked at different settings in the story. We drew then added some colour. We wrote a sentence to go with our pictures.

Art Club in year 1!

Today in art club we looked at autumn trees. We drew them and then we went outside to look for autumn leaves. We then did some leaf rubbings using autumn colours.


Today in year 1 we have been learning about what technology is. We looked in the classroom and around school. We had to sort the things we thought were technology and which weren’t.

Year One – Self Portraits 🎨

Our Year 1 children have all made a fantastic start to life in their new classes!

All of the children have created a lovely self-portrait which has gone onto display outside our classrooms.

Year 1 & 6 – Orienteering 🧭

On Thursday morning, our Year 6 children partnered up with our Year 1 children for a spot of Orienteering. The children worked together beautifully in the sunshine and it was wonderful to see our children so happy and active together.

Coding – Year 1 💻

Our Year 1 children completed their unit of Coding in their Computing lessons by following a plan to use code and make the program that they designed work.