Super Science!

Today year 1 had a brilliant time looking at the properties of materials. We made salt dough objects to see the change from malleable to rigid. We are all excited to wait for them to dry so we can paint them next week!

Fundamental Skills

As sportspeople, our Year 1 children were working on the fundamental skill of dodging. The children played a variety of games where they had to turn, dodge, change speed and direction to avoid getting caught.

Counting Back Within 10

As mathematicians, our Year 1 children have been counting back within 10 this week. In class, we have been reading ‘Whatever Next’ by Jill Murphy and the children felt that we needed to build ‘Baby Bear’ a rocket so he could go to the Moon. We then used our rockets to help us countdown ready for blast off!

Whatever Next! 🐻

In year 1 we are doing an author study all about Jill Murphy. Today we looked at the different settings in the story, Whatever Next! We drew and painted one of the settings.


Multiskills Club

Our Year 1 multiskills club began this week. We kicked off the opening week with some speed stacking which required the children to put their fine motor skills into action.

Art in year 1 for the Harvest Festival.

Today we created some autumn trees ready to celebrate harvest festival in church next week.

Place Value – Mathematics

As mathematicians, Year 1 have been making numbers using dienes. The children loved working practically to help them understand the value of tens and ones.

Science – Everyday Materials

This week, the children loved sorting a set of materials into different groups.