Design and Technology in Year 1 ?

We have been creating stable structures in our Design and Technology lessons last week. We have designed, trialled and created our own car garages. We worked in small groups and really enjoyed creating a stable structure independently.

This Week in Year 1πŸ˜ŠπŸ¦‹

Art club in year 1!??????

Today we used clay to make pots.

When they are dry we will paint them.

This week in Year 1

Year 1 and 2 Sports Day Monday πŸ…

Below is a reminder of the colours that we would like each class to wear if possible on Monday’s Year 1 & 2 Sports Day. Please can your child wear their coloured t-shirt and the rest of their PE kit to school, and they can then wear it for the remainder of the day.

1H – Green

1M – Blue

1B – Red

2P – Red

2Pr – Green

2B – Blue

Thank you for your support.

Art club in year 1! πŸ–ŒπŸ–ŒπŸ–Œ

Today we practised using watercolours on the butterflies we drew.

Year 1/2 sports day postponed due to weather

Due to the very wet weather predicted for tomorrow, we will not be running the Year 1/2 sports day in the morning. We would rather make the decision now, so we don’t mess anyone about in the morning. We will send out the new date tomorrow for you. Thank you for your understanding with this- never an easy decision!

Last week in Year 1😁