Author Visit – Year 1 📚

As readers, our Year 1 children really enjoyed their visit from Donna David. The children were fascinated by the process that Donna goes through to take an idea from a her books from her head to the shelves in the shops.

Library Visit

Today, we were lucky to have Rachel, a special visitor from the SouthWater library in Telford, lead assemblies for both KS1 and KS2. Rachel shared valuable information about our local libraries, including how to get a library card and access books. She also explained the number of books we can borrow at once and how long we can keep them.

In the assembly, Rachel highlighted upcoming events at the library, like craft sessions, and she answered all the children’s questions. Rachel’s visit sparked lots of curiosity and enthusiasm about the wonderful world of libraries!

Author Visit in KS1

Donna David | Lindsay Literary Agency

Last week, we had the pleasure of hosting author Donna David at our school. She is the author of books such as “Trains, Trains, Trains,” “Oh no, Bobo,” and “Farmer Larmer.” Donna started the day by talking to all our KS1 children in an assembly. She shared how she fell in love with writing and books and even showed us some of her own work from when she was in Year 1.

Following the assembly, Donna led workshops for nursery, reception, and Year 1 classes. During these sessions, she talked to us about some of the books she has written and read one of her stories to us. Donna also provided a glimpse into the fascinating process she goes through to get her books published. To make it even more exciting, some children took on the roles of editors, publishers, printers, and other important people who help make books. It was an interactive and enriching experience for everyone involved!

A big thank you to Donna for inspiring us with your stories and sharing the magic of writing!


E-Books in Year 1 💻

This term, our Year 1 children are creating their own E-books in their computing lessons. In lesson 1, the children created and named their own animal who will be the main character in their story.

Art for the Art Gallery

*Art for the Art Gallery*

Does your child love to produce works of art but never gets the opportunity to show it to everyone?

Here at St Georges, we have a wonderful Art Gallery in one of our school corridors and we are looking for more art to showcase. We would like some drawings or paintings to display that the children have produced. There is no theme required- just a drawing or painting they have/will produce that they love and are proud of. The pieces of Art provided to school will stay up in the corridor for this academic year. If your child is in Year 6 and would like the art back before they leave, we will ensure they receive it back. Please hand your wonderful pieces to Mrs Bridgwater 😊


Division in 1B 😊

This morning we looked at division using grouping. We worked hard, well done everyone!

Arrays – Year 1

As mathematicians, this week we have been drawing arrays to help us solve multiplication sentences.

St George’s C of E Primary School Young Saver Scheme 👛

Just Credit Union Parent Letter

With the support of the ‘Just Credit Union’, we are excited to announce the launch of our new ‘St George’s C of E Primary School Young Saver Scheme.’

This evening, your child should have brought home a double-sided letter explaining everything that you need to know. Please speak to your child’s class teacher tomorrow if this is not the case.

Please find a copy of the letter above, but you will need access to a printer if you are wanting to complete an application form.

We hope that our exciting new initiative will be of interest to your child.


Tudor houses in 1B 🏠

Happy new year!

Today we started our new topic in history all about houses and homes. We looked at Tudor houses today and made our own. We labelled the houses with facts all about Tudor houses.

Drumba in year 1 🤩

This morning we had a go at Drumba.

It made us very hot and made our hearts beat faster! We are going to do more of it in our PE lessons next term!