Maths Activities

Games clipart 2 –

The games below help children to develop early calculation strategies. The games are also simple and enjoyable to play!

Sum Turnover

For this game you will need some cards numbered 4 to 9. Take turns to roll two dice and add the two numbers together. If you have a card that matches the total of the dice you can turn the card over. The aim of the game is to be the first one to turn over all of your cards.

To make this game simpler or trickier adjust the number of cards each player has. 

Connect 4

This game is played in pairs. Take turns to roll two dice. Find the sum of the numbers on the dice and cross off the total on the grid. The winner is the first person to connect 4 boxes. This game can be adapted to practice subtraction too. Simply roll the two dice and find the difference between the two numbers.

Please find the grids for both games below.

Sum-Connect-4 grid

Difference-Connect-4 grid

NOTE: The grids are different depending on whether you are adding or subtracting. 

Literacy Task

Yesterday we looked at the story ‘Pippety Skycap- A tale of Mischief’

Click here to read the story again.

Pippety is a naughty pixie who loves to cause trouble. Can you design a poster that warns everyone to watch out for Pippety’s tricks?

Remember to:

  • Draw Pippety so that everyone will know what he looks like
  • Describe some of the tricks he likes to play
  • Tell everyone what they should do if they see Pippety
  • Offer a reward.

Use this template to make your poster or create your own!

Don’t forget to send in a copy of your work to



Well-being Activity ❤

Colour Me Happy!

Colours can be used to influence our moods and express our feelings. Each individual responds to different colours in a different ways.

Have a think about how each colour makes you feel. Then complete the activity below.

Well-being Activity

Maths Activity

Here is maths game that you can play at home which focuses on addition and ordering numbers.

You will need:

  • 2 different coloured pens ( one for each player)
  • 2 dice
  • Blank Caterpillar- drawn or printed

How to play

  • Roll the 2 dice and add the numbers together.
  • Write the total in one of the circles on the caterpillar.
  • Take it turns to do this writing your number on the same caterpillar until it is full.
  • NOTE: A number can only be written one. The numbers must be in order in the circles. If there is no space for your number, you miss a turn. 
  • Count how many numbers are written in each colour to find out who is the winner!

Best Caterpillar Clipart #10186 - | Clipart ...

Literacy Task

This week’s writing activities will be based on the story ‘Pippety Skycap- A Tale of Mischief’

Read the story with an adult and see if you can remember who said the following lines:

  • My poor ears!
  • Ouch, ouch ouch!
  • Yuck!
  • A-A-Achoo!

Which of Pippety’s tricks did you like the best? Draw a picture of your favourite part in the story.

Spelling shed!

Morning everyone,

Hope you’ve all had a wonderful time in the sunshine. Now let’s see how the leader board stands in Spelling shed!

It is all change after the weekend!

Year 5 set 3 are 1st

Year 3 set 1 are 2nd

Year 5 set 1 are 3rd

Mr Hylton’s set are 4th

and Mrs Blair’s set are 5th



Now for the children’s leader board,

Mason (Y5) – 1st

Orla (Y3) – 2nd

Oliver L (Y5) – 3rd

Samuel (Y3) – 4th

Edna (Y1) – 5th

Oliver D (Y2) – 6th

Jaidon S (Y5) – 7th

Grace (Y6) – 8th

Parker (Y3) – 9th

Emmerald (Y2) – 10th

A huge well done to all these children!

Keep it up, super spellers!

Spelling shed – Year 1

New spellings have now been set on Spelling shed for children in Year 1. These are some of the common exception words you have been learning this year.

Here are your spellings:









Who can earn lots of points for their team and maybe make their way up the leader board?

Happy spelling, Year 1!

Reception to return to school from Monday 8th June

Dear All,

Please read the attached letter which will also be emailed to everyone today.

Please note that it is essential that we hear from every reception parent via email by 1pm on Tuesday 2nd June. Further details in the letter here Opening 8th June final

Many thanks.


RE Activity – Pentecost

Pentecost Sunday is celebrated 50 days after Easter. In 2020, it falls on May 31st. 

This event is celebrated to commemorate the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Watch this video all about Pentecost and Why God sent us the Holy Spirit.










Your activity:

Have a go at writing your own Prayer to God, you might want to include the Holy Spirit, this was a gift given to us from God .

Here are some templates you could use for your prayer, they also have pictures from ‘The Story of Pentecost’.


Don’t forget, we love to see how you are getting on with your home learning! Your grown up can email us at

Key worker children-essential to book your place please

Current key worker families: As more children are now coming in to school as key workers, it is essential that you book your child in with us. If you do not book them in, we may not be able to have them on that day due to numbers. Please email to let us know you childcare requirements for weeks beginning 1st and 8th June by tomorrow midday at the latest. Thank you.

New key worker families: If you are a key worker and your child is coming into school for the first time since lockdown, it is essential that you book a place for them by emailing If you do not book them in, we may not be able to have them on that day due to numbers. We are asking for you to email your childcare requirements by midday tomorrow for weeks beginning 1st and 8th June. Thank you.

From Monday 1st June, we will be organising the classrooms a bit differently for key worker children in light of the new risk assessment we have done following national and local new guidance. This will include a one way system for dropping off and collecting your child. We will email all key worker parents tomorrow with a detailed plan once we have final numbers of children who will be coming into school. The full Risk Assessment will be added to the school website later today.

Please note, at this stage school is only open to key worker children and vulnerable children. As soon as we know more, we will let other groups/year groups know a start date.

Thank you for your patience.