Spelling shed!

It has been fantastic to see all of the children who have been practising on spelling shed over the last few weeks so we want to celebrate you!

Mrs McEvoy will be checking Spelling shed twice a week to see which class is on top as well as all of the children who are in the top 10 in the leader board.

The top 5 spelling groups in the school are:

Set 3 year 5 – 1st

Mrs Blair’s class – 2nd

Set 1 year 5 – 3rd

Miss Bibi’s class – 4th

Mr Hylton’s class – 5th

Well done 🙂

Now let’s celebrate the top 10 spellers at St George’s:

Edna (1Bl) – 1st

Mason (Y5) – 2nd

Emmerald (2B) – 3rd

Orla (Y3) – 4th

Sophie-Mai (Y5) – 5th

Olly B (Y5) – 6th

Samuel (Y3) – 7th

Charlie H (Y5) – 8th

Oliver (2BF) – 9th

Evan (2B) – 10th

A huge well done to all these children. What an achievement to be in the top 10 out of nearly 500 pupils!



Literacy ✏😍✏

Hey! 😸

We hope you are enjoying the sunshine and staying safe. 😎🌞

Watch the video of the story ‘Sharing a Shell’ by Julia Donaldson.

Think about the phoneme ‘sh’. Use the worksheet to put all the things which begin with sh into the piggyback.

Things beginning with sh.

When you have done that can you have a go at labelling the items.

If you want to challenge yourself…can you put each word into a sentence? Remember that capital letter and full stop.


Keeping Active with Dancing (and some singing too) 🎶💃🏽

It is important to keep active whilst at home, here are some super dance ideas you could do at home. 🕺🏽😁

We love this one to learn the days of the week:

Can you remember your 2D shapes?

Don’t forget, we love to see how you are getting on with your home learning! Your grown up can email us at:  year1team@stgeorgesschool.org.uk

Making Fairy Houses👸🏻🔮

Today made fairy houses out of recycled plant pots.

First we designed them with pencils, then we took our fairy houses outside and placed them in our garden area – we are hoping to find some fairies soon!

We also created some characters to go around our fairy houses. We had lots of fun.

Guidance for Education Settings


Dear Parents,

We hope you are all safe and well.

As you will be aware, we are currently open for children of key workers and vulnerable children. Please note the following:

  • children, parents, carers and visitors not to enter the school if they display any symptoms of coronavirus
  • parents and carers must contact the school as soon as possible if they believe their child has been exposed to coronavirus
  • parents please stay 2m apart from each other when dropping off and collecting children
  • children to not bring any equipment into school from home, including school bags, other than their packed lunch and a water bottle
  • parents and carers asked to not come into the school building other than if collecting your child from the office before the end of the school day
  • if coming into the school entrance to speak to the office, only one parent in at a time. Please wait outside until the space is free to ensure social distancing
  • parents and carers are asked to email or ring school if you need to speak to staff

Please see attached poster for details regarding the latest symptoms and how to stop the spread of the virus.

Thank you.

Literacy ✏

Hello! 😎

We hope that you are all still healthy and happy 😊

Today let’s look at sentences. You will need scissors ✂ and glue. Remember to read the sentence to make sure it makes sense.

sentence making


Number bonds activities! 👍

Good morning Year 1,

Get your brains ready for Maths by joining in with our Count to 100 song 😊

Let’s have a look at our number bonds to 10 and 20. Remind yourself about your number pairs to 10 by watching this video

Now, have a go at some of these activities:

  • Make your own Rainbow to 10 or 20     
  • Find the missing number bond on this worksheet
  • Play the ‘Number bond to 20’ bus board game
  • Try solving these word problems.
  • Test your addition and subtraction facts to 10 with this colouring activity

Why not challenge yourself to see how many number bonds questions you can answer correctly by playing ‘Hit the button’ 😊👍

Remember to send your work into year1team@stgeorgesschool.org.uk

Enjoy! 😊🌈



Science Activity🧼🖐🏼

In Science, we are learning about Animals including humans. Last week we looked at the human body.

It is very important to keep our bodies clean and healthy. We must always remember to keep our hands clean – especially with the current virus! So we use hand wash.

Today, your activity is to design your own hand wash. You can make this look and smell however you like, but it must be able to clean our hands.

Draw your own or use this template.














Don’t forget, we love to see how you are getting on with your home learning! You can email your teacher at:  year1team@stgeorgesschool.org.uk

Re-opening for more pupils up-date 22.5.20

Following scientific evidence and through our own risk assessments, St George’s will not open to reception children as planned on 3rd June and it is unlikely nursery will start on 8th June. It is important to wait to see what guidance we will now be given nationally and locally. We do not want to rush this decision as everyone’s safety is vital. We will keep you all updated when we know more. We will continue to provide childcare for key worker families. Thank you for your patience