Thank you to our local community, businesses and organisations!

Our food bank is going really well and we would like to say thank you so much so local businesses and organisations who have been helping us out.

  • W.F.Head and Sons have now donated 20 large sacks of potatoes.
  • Ironbridge Lion’s Club generously gave us a donation of £300 which we have used to buy specific food items needed for the food bank.
  • Lyreco have very kindly delivered to us a huge amount of boxes for us to pack up the food parcels in.
  • We have already posted about Morrisons donating food and cleaning items.

Plus, we do want to massively thank all the families, staff and members of the public who have been dropping donations off into the box outside of school over the last few weeks. Together, we are making a difference. What great community spirit!



Happy 100th Birthday Sir Tom🎈

Captain Tom Moore to be guest of honour at new Nightingale ...

Captain Tom Moore, who has raised more than £29m for the NHS by walking laps of his garden, has been made an honorary colonel on his 100th birthday.

Here are some things you could do at home, to celebrate Sir Tom Moore’s birthday.

  • Design Sir Tom a 100th birthday card. Here are some ideas.
  • Create a poster all about Sir Tom, or even thanking him. Here are some ideas.
  • Write a letter to Sir Tom or a story about Sir Tom
  • Write a letter about how you think it feels to be 100!

Don’t forget, we love to see how you are getting on! Your grown up can email us at

Writing competition for all ages

Ironbridge Museum have sent us details of a writing competition which is open for all ages. We would love as many children as possible to take part so please click on the link to see details. Please note that entries need to be sent directly to the museum, not into school. The best entries will be added to the museum’s e-book and two winners will be awarded a book voucher.

Emotional Health and Well-being Writing Activity Pack

Please see this great pack designed to help children improve their emotional health and well-being through writing. There are lots of different activities included in this toolkit- we would say they are generally aimed at our KS2 pupils although you may feel that some of them can be used with younger children with support..

Click on this link to access the resources.

Daily Walk Ideas🍁🍂🍃

We love these leaf rubbings!

On your daily walk today, try to find some different leaves and have a go at creating your own leaf rubbing picture.

Leaf Rubbings | Kids' Crafts | Fun Craft Ideas |

Year Group Emails

Every year group now has an email address set up so families can email work that your child feels particularly proud of or even just to say hello! Emails will only be responded to during school hours and the purpose is for your child to feel that they can communicate positively with staff. Please look on your child’s year group area (within the Parents’ Area) on the new website for further details.

Any general queries or issues still need to come directly to the school office by ringing or emailing


In science, we are learning about animals including humans.

Watch this power point about mummy animals and their babies

There is also a great video too.

Here are some pictures of mummy animals, can you have a go at drawing and labelling their baby? Get your grown up to help you.



Can you write a sentence about mummy animals and their babies?

Can you find all of the baby animals in this word search?

Can you make these life cycles look beautiful?

Don’t forget, we love to see how you are getting on! You can email us your work at

Have a lovely day and stay safe!

The Year 1 Team😊

Numeracy at home➕➖✖➗

We have some super maths activities for you this week:


Can you stick within your budget and order a meal in this restaurant for the robots?

Times tables

Practise your 2’s

Practise your 5’s

Practise your 10’s

Try a times table challenge, get your grown up to time you.

Something different? 

Try a times table mindfulness colouring sheet


Number bonds

Practise your number bonds to 20

Practise your number bonds to 10

Try a number bonds to 10 quiz

Try a number bonds to 20 quiz

Try a number bonds challenge


Daily activities

Have a go at answering these questions with your grown ups, try a different sheet each day.

daily activities

Don’t forget to keep us updated with how you’re getting on!

The Year 1 Team