Science Task

Yesterday we started to look at the forces called push and pull. 

Watch this video to recap how push and pulls are used to move objects.


Today we will explore push and pulls through a game of ‘tug of war’. What happens when..

  • Both teams pull the rope?
  • One team pulls while the other pushes?
  • Both teams push?

Maths Task

Today’s maths lesson will look at making different amounts. 

Start by recapping the value of coins by playing these games:

  • Put pile of coins on the table and give your child five seconds to find a certain coin.
  • Give your child one of each of the different coins and ask him/her to put them in order, from smallest value to largest.

Main Activity: Watch this video which teaches children how to make to different values using a range of coins.


Set up a pretend shop at home and practise paying for different items. Encourage your child to make the amount in different ways. 

NOTE: Handling real money helps children get a feel for what each coin looks like and what it is worth.

You can also play an interactive version of a toy shop on the Top Marks website. Top 10 free numeracy games for Reception age kids! - The Mum Educates

Well-being Activity ❤

This week we have been thinking about what makes us happy! 😁

Watch this video to find out what makes these children happy then have a go at writing your own happiness poem.

Happiness Poem Template.


Here are a few examples of happiness poems to give you started.


Haina @ Tamaki Primary School: Emotions Poem - Happiness | Happy ...

Happiness Poems

Science Task

Yesterday we learned that aeroplanes use different forces to fly.

Today we are going to explore the forces of push and pull. Pushes and pulls are forces we use to move objects. Watch this video to learn the difference between the two and how you can easily identify them.


Your activity 

Look around your house and find objects that move by pushing and pulling. Draw a picture of the object and label how it moves.

Five for Friday | Force and motion, Kindergarten science ...

Maths Task

Today’s maths lesson is all about counting coins. 

Watch the video then have a go at the activity sheet below.

Tip 1: When you count up the same type of coin, you are using your times tables. E.g. 2p + 2p + 2p + 2p + 2p is the same as  5 x 2p.

Tip 2: When you count up different coins, always start with the larger value coins to make it easier.

Lesson 4- Counting in Coins

Have a go at the Counting Game on Top Marks . I have highlighted which games are  suitable for year 1 children on the picture below.

Year 1 - Tuesday 19th May Home Learning Challenges — Our Lady Star ...

Literacy Task

Good morning year 1,

Today we will be focusing on understanding new vocabulary within texts.

Start by watching this video which teaches children the strategies for understanding new words.  Then have a go at the worksheet below.

Victor Vocabulary Foxes Video

Tip: Remind your child to read the text carefully because it will put the new words into context.

Understanding New Words

Science Task

Watch this fantastic video which looks at how to make a paper aeroplane and what makes it fly.


Well-being Activity

Music is a Magic Key!

Listening to music can have a huge benefit to your well-being.

Certain songs and those you enjoy can help lift your mood and make you feel happy.  Can you think of a song that makes you feel good?

Name the song and draw a picture to show how it makes you feel.

Music is a Magic Key!

Teacher's Pet » KS1 Wellbeing and Mental Health – Music is a Magic Key