Maths Task

Today’s maths lesson is about recognising notes.

Watch the video to learn how to identify notes by colour, size and value. Then have a go at the activity sheet below.

Tip: The size of the note tells you how much it is worth. The £5 note is the smallest and is worth the least, for example.

Lesson 3-Recognising Notes

Play this game to consolidate your understanding of money. Listen to the value that is called out and click on the correct coin or note.

Literacy Task

Good morning year 1, 

We will continue to look at retrieving information from the text today.

Start by going through this PowerPoint with your child. Recap what it means to retrieve information and practise answering some questions. Then have a go at the reading comprehension activities below.

Tip: Encourage your child to identify key words from the question which they can look for in the text. Once they have located these key words in the text they can read back the sentence to find the answer. 

Reading comprehension- Retrieval

Well-being Activity ❤

Yesterday you were asked to come up with ideas to make the monster feel happy.

Today we will be think about what makes YOU happy. 

Think of a place that makes you feel happy. It might be real place or made up such as unicorn land or in the clouds with rainbows and sunshine.

Draw a picture of your happy place so when things get tough you can go there!

Happy Visualisation Activity Sheet

happy visualisation

Science Task


Paper Planes, Inc. business simulation for powerful learning ...

Last week Miss Whittaker set the year 1 and 2 children a task to experiment with paper planes.

The children were asked to complete the following activities:

  • Research the wonderful Wright brothers.
  • Make a paper plane to see how far it can go.
  • Modify and adapt your design to make it travel further.

Read here for more details about the project:  KS1 Science -Paper Planes

Maths Task

Today’s maths lesson is about recognising coins. 

Watch the video then have a go at the activity sheet below.


TIP: When learning about money bear in mind that children often believe the largest coin has the highest value. Therefore, in children’s minds, 2p or 50p must be worth the most. Explain that brown coins have the lowest value etc.

Lesson 2 – Recognising Coins

Use this interactive PowerPoint to practise some more coin recognition. This activity slowly reveals one coin at a time while your child has to guess which coin it is.

Coin Reveal PowerPoint

Literacy Task

This week I would like you to get involved with our creative writing challenge and to write a silly story inspired by a school trip.

Silly School Trips Icon

The rest of our literacy lessons will focus on reading comprehension.

Reading comprehension is the ability to understand a text. There are many skills that make up effective reading comprehension. Some of these are:

  • Vocabulary 
  • Retrieving information 
  • Sequencing 
  • Inference 
  • Prediction

Today we will focus on retrieving information. Watch this video to introduce this reading skill.

How to Retrieve with Retriever Rex Introduction Video

Then have a go at this read and draw activity which helps children to connect and make sense of what they have read.

Read and Draw Activity

I Can Read It, I Can Draw It! Reading Comprehension Passages for ...

Don’t forget to send a copy of your story to We can’t wait to read your silly stories!

Maths Task

Free Math Related Pictures, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art ...

This week we will use the White Rose Maths resources to support with our maths learning.

The White Rose Maths Team has prepared a series of five maths lessons which each come with a short video showing you clearly and simply how to help your child to complete the activity successfully.


Today’s lesson focuses ordering numbers. 

Watch the video here:


Then complete the accompanying worksheet. You can either print out the sheets or write the answers on a blank piece of paper.

Lesson-1-Ordering Numbers

Writing Challenge! ✏👸🐲

Silly School Trips Icon

This week, we would like the children at home to get involved with our creative writing challenge! Each key stage will be given a different theme which will hopefully inspire them and give them a purpose for their writing.

PLEASE NOTE: This is not a competition. The aim of this challenge is to inspire and encourage creative writing.

Key Stage 1- Silly School Trips

We would like the year 1 and 2 children to write a silly story inspired by a school trip. How exciting would a trip to the seaside be if pirates turned up or a sea monster tried to make sandcastles with your class?

Below are some resources to help your child with this task including a PowerPoint and a planning sheet.

PowerPoint Presentation

Pupil Worksheet

Don’t forget to send a copy of your story to your year group email address. We can’t wait to read your silly stories!


Keeping Active Bingo Card

Bingo Card

Thank you to everyone who sent in their video clips of them completing last week’s various National School Sports Week Challenges. The final challenge, set last Friday, was to have a go at the various activities included on the attached Bingo Card.