Year 1 spellings – 29th June

This week your spellings are the final 8 common exception words.









Keep practising, year 1!

Well- being Activity ❤

Meditation can help young children release energy, process concerns, and find comfort at night. Try these guided meditations and see if you can make bedtime easier for your child.

Art Activity 🎨

Cave Paintings

The Highway Rat visits a cave near the end of the story. Look carefully at the picture below, what can you see on the walls of the cave?

These are called cave paintings. Thousands of years ago, people created paintings on the walls of deep, dark caves. Most cave paintings were of animals or hunters and sometimes hand prints too.

Try making your own cave painting by following these instructions:

  1. Draw jagged lines with white pencil to look like cracks in the wall.
  2. Create patches of colour and rub into the paper with your fingers.
  3. Tear rough edges and then scrunch up the sheet of brown paper.
  4. Looked closely at photographs of cave painting then paint your own animals and human figures in black and reddish-brown paint.

Maths Task


Listen to today’s song here: Count up by 2s!

In today’s game you are against the clock! How many questions can you answer correctly in 1 minute?

Get practising times tables | The Topmarks Blog

Main Activity 

Read through the ‘White Rose reasoning problems for position and direction’ PowerPoint.  Discuss each problem verbally with your child.

White Rose Maths PowerPoint

On a plain piece of paper help your child to follow these instructions…

  • Draw a rectangle, then draw what it would look like after a quarter turn to the right.
  • Draw a triangle, then draw what it would look like after a quarter turn to the left.
  • Draw a heart, then draw what it would look like after a half turn to the right.
  • Draw a face, then draw what it would look like after a half turn to the left.

Simplified Activity 

If your child finds this hard to visualise then you could cut these shapes out of paper and physically turn it so that they can see how it finishes each time.

Extension Activity 

If you want some more practise describing turns then try this extension worksheet.

Year 1 Describe Turns HW-EXT

Literacy Task

Good morning year 1, 

Here is your final SPaG Mat for the week. I hope you have enjoyed doing them each day!

Main Activity 

Axel Scheffler's official website | The Highway Rat

Today I would like you to write a book review for the Highway Rat using this writing frame or on a blank piece of paper. In your book review you could discuss the following:

  • What the story is about.
  • What did you liked and dislike about the story and why?
  • Is there anything you would have change?

Don’t forget to include everything from the year 1 writing checklist!

To conclude our work on the Highway Rat, watch the animated film on the BBC website.

Artist in a Box- Deadline Extended

Hi everyone!

We are aware that there are a lot of projects going on at the moment so we have decided to extend the deadline for the ‘Artist in a Box’ competition.

Read here for more information about the competition.

The new deadline is now Friday 10th July. The winner and runners up will be announced the following week. Please email photo evidence of your project to

We look forward to seeing more of your projects. If we get enough entries, we will make a film to showcase them all!

Story Time 📖

Sleep is for Everyone

This is a great book for children who wonder why they have to sleep. In the book it explain the importance of sleep for not only people but animals as well and how important it is to rest your body.

It will definitely help convince your little bedtime sceptic that sleep matters!

Arts and Crafts

Authentic Models Bronze Spyglass | Pavilion Broadway

The Highway Rat uses a spy glass to see what food he can steal next. Make yourself a spy glass and see what you can see?

What you need:

  • plastic wrap
  • scissors
  • paper towel or gift wrapping tube
  • tape
  • black and yellow craft paper


  1. Cut a small square of plastic wrap and cover one end of the paper tube.
  2. Secure the plastic wrap in place with tape.
  3. Using the black craft paper, cover the outside of the tube.
  4. Cut a strip of yellow craft paper and tape it over the edges of the plastic on the tube.

Maths Task

Starter Activity 

Listen to today’s song here: Multiples of 2 Video

Practise your multiplication skills while catching fish in this game: Maths Fishing

Main Activity 

Today we will be looking at amounts of a turn. Go through the ‘Teddy’s Turn’ PowerPoint to introduce the idea of quarter turns, half turns and full turns to your child.

Practise turning by giving your child a set of instructions to follow- You might like to do this activity outside so that you have more room!

Stand facing your house, this is your starting position which you will need to go back to each time you move.  Now practise turning…

  1. A quarter turn to the left.
  2. Go back to your starting position and then a quarter turn to the right.
  3. Go back to your starting position and then a half turn to the left.
  4. Go back to your starting position and then a half turn to the right.
  5. Now try a full turn to the right.
  6. Finally a full turn to the left.

To conclude the lesson watch the BBC Bitesize clip about ‘How to follow directions’.

BBC Clip video to describe movement by quarter turns | Following ...


Literacy Task

Good morning year 1, 

Have a go at today’s SPaG Mat. How fast can you complete it?

Main Activity 

Envelopes Cliparts 9 - 482 X 355 - WebComicms.Net

Write an apology letter from the Highway Rat to one of the other animals that he stole from. Say sorry for what he did and ask for their forgiveness.

Here are some sentences starter to help you:

  • Dear,
  • I am sorry for…
  • I will promise not to…
  • Will you…
  • From, 

Use this checklist to help you write a fantastic letter!

Year 1 Writing Checklist | Teaching Resources