Super Scientists!

Can it fly?

Can you research the wonderful Wright brothers?

Can you make a paper plane to see how far it can go?

Can you modify and adapt your design to make it travel further?

Over the next two weeks we would like for our Year One and Two children to experiment with paper planes!

Activity ideas can be found here- KS1 Paper Planes

We would love to see your Paper Plane experiments at school, please email your fabulous experiments to

Paper Planes, Inc. business simulation for powerful learning ...

Super Scientists!

‘Whatever goes up must come down’

Can you research Sir Isaac Newton?

Can you make a helicopter spinner?

How slowly can your spinner go?

Can you adapt and modify your design to change the speed of your helicopter spinner?

Over the next two weeks we would like for all year groups to experiment with helicopter spinners!

Activity ideas can be found here- Whole school spinners

We would love to see your helicopter spinner experiments at school, please email your fabulous experiments to

Papercopter | HowStuffWorks

Well- being Activity ❤

Smiley Face Background 570*600 transprent Png Free Download ...

Today’s well being activity looks at the importance of sleep.

Getting enough sleep each night will improve your mental health and well-being by making you feel rested and ready for the day!

Have a think about your own sleeping habits and complete the activity below.

Calm Your Mind And Sleep

Science Task

Megaphone Clipart Transparent Background, HD Png Download - kindpng

After reading the story ‘The Highway Rat’ speak to your child about why the rat hears voices in the cave. Discuss where they have heard echoes before, maybe whilst walking under a bridge or when visiting a cave? Is there anything in the home environment that can make echoes?

Play an echo game with your child by saying a word or phrase for them to repeat back to you. Now switch around. Repeat it back to them several times, with a quieter voice until it fades out like an echo.

Encourage your child to speak into a cup in different ways. Can they hear an echoey sound? Show your child the pictures and instructions on the activity sheet below. Speak into a cup from different distances and colour in the tick or cross to show if they heard an echo with each try.

What do they notice about the sounds they are making? Which did they like the best?
Explain how the cotton wool (or toilet paper) stops the echo – sounds bounce off hard surfaces but soft surfaces absorb sound.

Cup Echoes Activity Sheet

Maths Task

This week’s starter activities will focus on the 2 times table. We will start each day with a song and an interactive game. 

Listen to today’s song here – A personal favourite of mine! Then click on the link to play this game.

Station 10-Computer Station - Learning to Count in First Grade!


Main Task

This week in maths we will look at ‘Position and Direction’.

Introduce the idea of left and right to your child by watching this video.


Help your child to point to their left and right hands, feet, ears, knees etc.

  • Can they point to the left/right side of the room?
  • Can they run to the left/right side of the garden?
  • Can they tell you who is sat to their left/right?

Ask you child to draw a picture of themselves and label the following…

  • Left and right hand
  • Left and right ear
  • Left and right foot
  • Left and right eye ect…

Literacy Task

Good morning year 1, 

This week, we will start each lesson with a SPaG activity mat. These mats can be used as a quick starter activity and they are a great way to practise the key skills in grammar, spelling and punctuation.

SPaG Mat 1

Main Task

We are continuing with our Julia Donaldson focus this week with the story ‘The Highway Rat’- A fantastic tale of a dastardly rat and a clever duck!

Start by listening to the story here.


Make a list of what the Highway Rat steals in the story. For each item on the list, think of and include at least one adjective e.g. Juicy, green clovers.

You might also want to draw a picture to go with each item.

Year 1 spellings – week beginning 22nd June

This weeks spellings are more of your common exception words.

Can you practise these on Spelling shed and maybe get your name into the top 10!

Your words to practise this week are:










Happy spelling, year 1 🙂

Science Task

Today we will use the story ‘The Gruffalo’s Child’ to explore shadows. Start by listening to the story here.


Making Shadow Puppets

Cut out a shadow shape featuring a character from the story and attach the cardboard shape to a lolly stick using sellotape. Ask someone to hold the torch behind the shadow puppet with the puppet near a wall or the floor… you should see a shadow form!

Let’s investigate!

  • Try moving the torch further and closer from the shadow puppet to investigate how the shadow changes.
  • Moving the shadow puppet closer and further from the wall or floor will also change the shadow shape.
  • You could also try making shadow puppets from different types of paper to see how that changes the shadow.

The Gruffalo's Child Shadows

Maths Task

Starter Activity

How many different ways can you make the number 9? Use the + – and = symbols to create number sentences that total today’s magic number. Maths Starter 5  

If you are feeling really clever, you could try making the number 10 too! Maths Starter 6

Main Activity

Yesterday we started to look at solving division through grouping. This involves collecting an amount into equal groups and counting how many groups can be made.

We practised solving division calculations practically using objects. Today we will move on to using this strategy pictorially. Watch the video for further details..


Now have a go at this activity yourself. Remember…

The amount in each group is the number being divided by and the number of groups that can be made is the answer to the calculation. 

For further practise, click on this website which provides another video explanation and accompanying activity sheets.

Literacy Task

Good morning year 1, 

Here is your final game of Boggle. I want you to try your very hardest with this one and see if you can reach a new top score!

Boggle-Challenge 5

Main Task

What would you do if  you met the Gruffalo?

What would you say? Would you trick the Gruffalo like the mouse did? How would you avoid being eaten?

Write some sentences to explain what you would do. Start your writing with the phrase ‘If I met the Gruffalo…’

Record your ideas on this fun worksheet or simply write them on a piece of paper.

There is only one way to conclude this unit of work…Watch the animated version of ‘The Gruffalo’ on the BBC website. Enjoy!

BBC One - The Gruffalo