Science Activity

Use this activity sheet to spot animal tracks and footprints whilst you are on your daily walk around the woods!

Fooprints in the Mud Activity Sheet

If this activity has got your child excited to learn more about animal tracks…

Download this matching activity for free on this website.

Animal Tracks Puzzles

Have a go at some footprint stamping by cutting out animal footprints and taping them to toilet paper rolls.


Maths Task

Starter Activity

How many different ways can you make the number 8? Use the + – and = symbols to create number sentences that total today’s magic number.

Maths Starter 4

Main Activity

Today we will move on to division by grouping. This is another way to solve division calculations. Watch the video to learn more about this method.


  • The first number = total amount 
  • The second number = How many in each group. 

Now have a go at this activity with your child. Give them simple division calculations and help them to find the answer by putting the objects into groups.

E.g. 8 ÷ 2=

  • Count out 8 objects
  • Put them in groups of 2
  • How many groups have you made? That is your answer.

Literacy Task

Good morning year 1, 

Here is today’s game of Boggle. What will you score today?

Boggle-Challenge 4

Main Activity

Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler: 'The Gruffalo's not a curse ...

This week, we have been doing lots of work on ‘The Gruffalo’.

Throughout the story the mouse talks about the Gruffalo’s favourite types of food. Use these to make a menu for a Gruffalo themed cafe.

Don’t forget to…

  • Name your cafe
  • List the dishes (main meals and desserts)
  • Include the price of each item
  • Make your menu bright and colourful

You could even create some new Gruffalo themed dishes to add to the menu.

menu | Read the World

Well-being Activity ❤

This week we have been looking at the importance of getting children to try new things. 

Listen to the story which is about penguin who overcomes his fear of swimming.


Create a bravery ladder to help your child identify steps that will help them gradually achieve a new skill or conquer a fear.

Here is an example of a bravery ladder for somebody who is nervous about performing at a recital.

An example of a bravery ladder for children

Maths Task

Starter Activity

How many different ways can you make the number 7? Use the + – and = symbols to create number sentences that total today’s magic number.

Maths Starter 3

Main Activity 

In today’s lesson we will move on to sharing pictorially. Watch this video which shows you how to divide by drawing and sharing out dots.


Now have a go at the activity yourself. Remember to draw the groups first then share out the correct amount of dots. 

To conclude the lesson play the game ‘Fair Shares’ and help Curious George share the dog treats fairly.

Curious George fair shares | Educational Video Game For Kids ...

Literacy Task

Good morning year 1, 

Here is today’s game of boggle. What is the longest word you can make?

Boggle-Challenge 3

Main Activity 

Show your child how to draw a speech bubble above a character. Discuss what the character might be saying. Highlight importance of using punctuation within a speech bubble, particularly question marks e.g. Where are you going to, little brown mouse?

Choose two characters from the story and write what you think the characters might be saying to each other.

Speech bubbles worksheet

Gruffalo speech bubbles. | Teaching Resources