Literacy Activity

Yesterday, you were asked to make a list of items that Pippety might have in his pocket.

Here is my finished list of ideas:

A drop of morning dew.
Three hairs from a rabbit’s tail.
A cup of sunbeams.
Two peppermint creams.
Four strawberry toffees.
A blue balloon.
An old whoopee cushion.
Six wriggling worms.
An invisible coin from the Wizard Bank.
The curly tip of a rat’s whisker.

Today I would like you to have a go at solving these riddles describing some of the items from above.

A riddle is a type of poem that works like a puzzle. It describes something using clues and hints to help the reader to figure out the answer. 

If you would like to know more then watch this  video on BBC Bite size.

Now have a go at writing your own riddle based on the items you chose yesterday and send it in to so we can have a go at solving it!

Well-being Activity ❤

This week we have been looking at colours associated with different emotions and this book fits perfectly with our theme!

The Color Monster is very confused and needs help in sorting his mixed-up emotions. Luckily, his friend is there to help. Watch the story and see if you can identify which feeling the last colour represents.

The answer will be revealed at the bottom of this post.


In the story, the grey monster represents fear. Everyone feels afraid or worried at time to time but it important to talk about your worries so that they don’t get out of hand.

Create your own worry monster and imagine feeding the monster all of your worries.

The pink colour monster represents the feeling of LOVE.

Science Activity

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Cornflour Slime

This is a great activity to introduce your kids to the concepts of solids and liquids.The mixture doesn’t behave as we’d expect, which prompts lots of curious questions.

Click here to access the full experiment.





Maths Activities

Calcul mental clipart 7 » Clipart Station

Here are a few more maths games you can play with your child at home. Today, we are focusing on place value and times tables.

Secret numbers

Mystery Secret Code Transparent & PNG Clipart Free Download - YWD

Write the numbers 0 to 20 on a sheet of paper. Ask your child secretly to choose a number on the paper. Then ask him or her some questions to find out what the secret number is e.g.
Is it less than 10?
Is it between 10 and 20?
Does it have a 5 in it?
He or she may answer only yes or no. Once you have guessed the number, it is your turn to choose a number. Your child asks the questions.
For an easier game, use numbers up to 10. For a harder game use only 5 questions, or use bigger numbers.

Practice counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. 

Game 1: Scavenger hunt

Choose a times table that you would like to focus on.  Write the multiples on a piece of paper and hide them around your house or garden. Then ask you child to find all of the numbers and put them in the correct order.

To make this trickier you could hide the number sentences as well. Once everything has been found, the child has to match up the number sentences with the answers.

Game 2: Times tale hopscotch

Claire Mulhern on Twitter: "Times tables hopscotch! What a great ...

Draw out a 12 square hopscotch. Pick a times table to practise and write the multiplies on the squares. Get your child to hop to the square that they’ve thrown a stone into shouting out the multiples as they go.

Another variation of this game: Write the number sentences on the squares and children shout out the answers as they hop along.



Literacy Task

Pippety loves collecting things in his pocket that he can use to cause mischief with. Can you remember what he used to help him trick the troll and the toad? You may need to reread the story to remind yourself.

What else do you think Pippety might have in his pocket? Make a list of your ideas on this sheet and don’t worry, you can be as creative as you like!

Here are a few of my ideas: 

  • An old whoopee cushion
  • Six wriggling worms
  • The curly tip of a rat’s whisker.

NOTE: Keep your ideas safe as you will need them later on in the week. 



Well-being Activity ❤

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Yesterday we looked at how different colours can influence your moods. You were asked to write down a list of emotions relating to each colour. Today we would like you to draw something and colour it in using colours that make you feel happy.

Feel free to draw your picture on a blank piece of paper or on this lovely  sheet.

We would love to see your beautiful drawings so remember to send a copy to

Maths Activities

Games clipart 2 –

The games below help children to develop early calculation strategies. The games are also simple and enjoyable to play!

Sum Turnover

For this game you will need some cards numbered 4 to 9. Take turns to roll two dice and add the two numbers together. If you have a card that matches the total of the dice you can turn the card over. The aim of the game is to be the first one to turn over all of your cards.

To make this game simpler or trickier adjust the number of cards each player has. 

Connect 4

This game is played in pairs. Take turns to roll two dice. Find the sum of the numbers on the dice and cross off the total on the grid. The winner is the first person to connect 4 boxes. This game can be adapted to practice subtraction too. Simply roll the two dice and find the difference between the two numbers.

Please find the grids for both games below.

Sum-Connect-4 grid

Difference-Connect-4 grid

NOTE: The grids are different depending on whether you are adding or subtracting. 

Literacy Task

Yesterday we looked at the story ‘Pippety Skycap- A tale of Mischief’

Click here to read the story again.

Pippety is a naughty pixie who loves to cause trouble. Can you design a poster that warns everyone to watch out for Pippety’s tricks?

Remember to:

  • Draw Pippety so that everyone will know what he looks like
  • Describe some of the tricks he likes to play
  • Tell everyone what they should do if they see Pippety
  • Offer a reward.

Use this template to make your poster or create your own!

Don’t forget to send in a copy of your work to



Well-being Activity ❤

Colour Me Happy!

Colours can be used to influence our moods and express our feelings. Each individual responds to different colours in a different ways.

Have a think about how each colour makes you feel. Then complete the activity below.

Well-being Activity

Maths Activity

Here is maths game that you can play at home which focuses on addition and ordering numbers.

You will need:

  • 2 different coloured pens ( one for each player)
  • 2 dice
  • Blank Caterpillar- drawn or printed

How to play

  • Roll the 2 dice and add the numbers together.
  • Write the total in one of the circles on the caterpillar.
  • Take it turns to do this writing your number on the same caterpillar until it is full.
  • NOTE: A number can only be written one. The numbers must be in order in the circles. If there is no space for your number, you miss a turn. 
  • Count how many numbers are written in each colour to find out who is the winner!

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