Wednesday! 🤗💖🤗

Good morning all of you, we hope you are all ok.

We are half way through the week! Keep up the good work!

Lessons for today.

Literacy 💖

Letters and Sounds

Lesson: sequencing a story.

Today you are going put the story of Jack and The Beanstalk in to the correct order. Here is the story to remind you.


Wednesday sequencing

Numeracy ➕➖✖➗

Lesson: Match number pairs to make 20

Complete this worksheet by matching the number pairs together. You will need colouring crayons or felt tips. Use your knowledge of number bonds to 10 to help you!

Match number pairs to make 20

RE 🙏

We have started to learn all about Jesus and the good news he brings. Today, we are going to look at his Disciples. One of his Disciples was called Matthew and he was a tax collector.

Watch this video all about Jesus’ Disciples:

Jesus’ disciples

Watch this video all about Matthew the Tax collector:

Matthew the tax collector

Listen to the message Jesus tells us from this story. ‘I want you to show mercy to others.’

Can you draw a picture of Jesus meeting Matthew. (Can you remember Matthew’s Job before he became a Disciple?)

Matthew the tax collector worksheet

Well done for working so hard today. 🤗

Here is a link to some relaxing music. There is a colouring sheet for you to do while you chill out.

relax and listen

relax and colour

See you all tomorrow 🖐🖐🖐






St George’s Maths Dictionary (Year One)

Please follow the link above that will take you to the Mathematics Curriculum Page of our school website. Here, you will find a PDF document which is available for you to download called ‘Year One – Maths Dictionary’.

The document has been designed to help parents support our children at home with the vocabulary that they are likely to encounter during their Mathematics lessons in school.

We hope that you find the document useful.

Tuesday! 😺

Good morning everyone! 😎❤

Here is your work for today.

Literacy ✏

Letters and Sounds

Our new book is going to be Jack and The Beanstalk. Watch the video of the story.

Jack and The Beanstalk.

Now colour in the picture.


Numeracy 1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣4️⃣5️⃣6️⃣7️⃣8️⃣9️⃣🔟

Lesson: Make 20

You have impressed us so much with your recall of number bonds to 10 so today we have set you a challenge of learning your  number bonds to 20.

Have a go at completing this worksheet finding the missing number bond using number shapes. Look at the amount you have been given in the calculation, how many more to make 20? Write in the answer.

Missing number bonds to 20 using numicon

 Art 🏠🏚🏡

Today, we will be making connections with other Artists.

Watch this video on Wassily Kandinsky:

Wassily Kandinsky

We are going to try and replicate a piece of Art created by Kandinsky. Have a look—here is picture of his artwork. This is called ‘Moscow’

Moscow Kandinsky

Kandinsky worksheet

Well done for todays work.

Here is a colouring sheet which you can relax and complete.

calm colouring

See you all tomorrow. 🖐🖐🖐




Monday! 😁🌈😁

Good morning year 1! 😊

We hope that you had a lovely holiday.

This is the timetable for the week.

 week beginning 22.2.21

Here is your work for today.


Letters and Sounds

Lesson: writing sentences.

Think about your half term holiday. What did you do? Write about it. Try and have a go at using the conjunction; and.

Monday holiday writing

Numeracy 😎

Lesson: Revisit number bonds to 10

Today we will be revisiting our work on number bonds to 10.

Sing along with this short video clip to remind you about the number pairs;

number bonds

Now try completing the following worksheet.

Revisit number bonds to 10

Why not test yourself to see how many number bonds to 10 questions you can answer in 1 minute by playing the following game:

hit the button


Today’s lesson we will be exploring a different type of cave painting.

Watch this video on one of the oldest cave paintings:

cave paintings

Look at the pictures on the worksheet. Follow the instructions to make your own hand art.

Hand art worksheet

End of the day…watch and have a go at squiggling.

Squiggle a dinosaur

We hope you have a great day. ☀


Monday Lessons🌈

Good morning Year 1,

We hope you are all keeping well and safe at home.

This week is special because we are focusing on ‘Children’s Mental Health Week’.

As well as maths and literacy, we are looking at how to ‘express yourself’. Our afternoon lessons will consist of 5 different ways to wellbeing. These will be:

Being Active, staying connected, giving, learning or trying something new and taking notice (things that bring us joy). We would love to see you doing some of these activities, please send any photos to



Letters and sounds – click here

Lesson: Identify nouns

Read the poem and find the nouns. Remember that a noun is a person a place or a thing.

Have a go at the worksheet. There are two to choose from, choose the one you are going to do.



Lesson: Identify the value of coins

This week, we will be learning all about money! First, watch this video introducing you to different coins

See if an adult in your house has any of these coins that you can look at. Remember each coin has a different value. The words written on the coin tell you the amount that it is worth.

Have a go at this worksheet. You will need scissors and glue to cut out each coin and a pencil to write the value.


Children’s Mental Health Week – Being Active:

Lesson: Be Active

Today we are going to understand why being active, is so important to our mental health.

Watch this video

Your task today is to wear your sportiest outfit and go for a small walk with your grown up. Then, can you complete this Disney dance challenge? To finish off, have a go at this calming movement video / this calm colouring. These are great at making you feel relaxed. Good luck!

Phonics Play is now FREE!

Phonics Play website - Blog

PhonicsPlay is a website that offers interactive phonics games and downloadable resources across the ‘Letters and Sounds’ phases. The site will once again become free for a period of time whilst the majority of primary schools are closed.

You may log in with the following details:

  • username: jan21
  • password: home


PhonicsPlay comics are short, simple, silly comics that can be used to help children apply the skills that they have learned in daily phonics sessions. The comics can be printed out as PDF files or simply viewed online. They should be viewable on most devices but will obviously be easier for children to read on larger screens.

Use this resource to revisit particular sounds that your child is struggling with or as additional reading material for you at home.

Martin Luther King Day

Good morning everyone!

Today is Martin Luther King Day. Use this child friendly video on BBC Bitesize to educate your child on who he was and his significance.

Dr Martin Luther-King talking into a microphone.

For more information, go through this short PowerPoint.

Who was Martin Luther King Jr?

Now have a good at the activity below. Draw a portrait on Martin Luther King and then write some of your dreams. These could be personal dreams and goals or goals for society as a whole.

Click on this link to watch a tutorial.

Martin Luther King Art Project

Martin Luther King Jr. portrait art lesson for kids using watercolor paints

Don’t forget to send in a photo of your art work to your year group email.

Have a lovely day 🙂









Friday Lessons🌷

Happy Friday Year 1

Well done to those of you who have been sending us pictures of your work! Your teachers love to see what you have been getting up to. Here are today’s lessons.

Have a lovely weekend! 😊🌈


Lesson:  Form our capital letters correctly.

Watch the videos for P, K and N. Make sure that your handwriting is neat.




Worksheet – click here



Lesson: Counting in tens

Watch this video of counting in 10s.

Can you write the 10x table on a piece of paper? What do you notice about all of the numbers?

Now have a go at completing the worksheet.

Worksheet – click here



Lesson: symbols in Hinduism

Watch the video linked below about how Hindus believe the world started. Listen out for Rama, Brahman and Vishnu and spot the Hindu symbols throughout the story.

Hindu Symbolism lesson

Can you draw two of the Hindu symbols?