Thursday Lessons🌞

Good Morning Year 1,

It’s Thursday! Here are today’s lessons, please remember if you would like to send your teacher any of your work, please email it to


Lesson: Use tricky words in sentences.

Watch the video and then on the worksheet find the words. When you have done that think of a sentence to put the word into. Remember to read it to check it makes sense and also check you have a capital letter and a full stop.

tricky words worksheet (easy) tricky words worksheet (harder)



Lesson: Counting in twos and fives

In school last term, we learnt how to count in 2s and 5s. See if you can remember your times tables by joining in with these songs:

2 times table:

5 times table:

Worksheet -click here



Lesson:  Make observational drawings

Watch the video and look at how the artist uses observational drawings to sketch the fruit. Can you have a practise using a small object?

Your job today is to go for a walk or look out of a window in your house. Sketch the buildings you can see. Make sure to look very carefully and take your time.


Wednesday Lessons🖊

Good morning Year 1,

Well done to everyone who completed last week’s home learning activities and sent through their work to the Year 1 email address. We have been so impressed with all of your work! If you would like to send us anything please send it to Here are Wednesday’s lessons.


Lesson:  Compare two different characters.

Watch the story about being different and the same then think about the characters in the story of the three little pigs. How are they different and the same?  Think about their eyes, their nose, what sort of character they are.

Worksheet- click here


Lesson: Compare numbers

Today we are going to be using the greater than, less than and equal to symbols. Watch this video of ‘Mr Alligator’ to see if he chomps the biggest number!

Please find the 2 worksheets below. Decide which one you want to have a go at:

Compare numbers to 20 (easier)         Compare numbers to 100 (harder)


Lesson: Dreams and goals – When I grow up

Watch this power point all about growing up and different jobs. Look at the skills and qualities you might need for a job. Have a think about what you would like to be when you’re older. Draw a picture of your dream job and write down the skills you think you might need.

Worksheet – click here

Tuesday Lessons 📝

Happy Tuesday Year 1⭐

Here are your lessons for Tuesday. Don’t forget, we love to see your work! You can email us at


Lesson: Labelling

Watch the video on how to label a picture. Find your picture you drew of your character yesterday and label it. Think about which parts of the body your character has such as nose, ears, hand, leg and tail.



Lesson: Order numbers

When you order numbers from smallest to largest, remember you need to look at the tens number. Use a 100 square to help you.

Ask an adult to write down a list of numbers, can you order them from smallest to largest?

Worksheet – Click here



Lesson: The Great Fire of London

Watch this video all about ‘The Great Fire of London.’

Can you tell your grown up what happened? Next, draw a Tudor house during The Great Fire of London. In the background, have a go at drawing the big orange flames.

Worksheet – Click here

Monday Lessons📚

Good morning Year 1🌞

Well done to everyone who completed last week’s home learning activities and sent through their work to the Year 1 email address. We have been so impressed with all of your work! If you would like to send anything to your teacher this week, please send it to:


Lesson: Understand what a character is.

Watch the story of the three little pigs then draw a picture of your favourite character. Remember to put in lots of detail. Think carefully about your drawing.

Worksheet – Click here



Lesson: Using place value with numbers to 50

Have a go at playing this interactive game making numbers using your knowledge of tens and ones.







Worksheet- Click here 



Lesson: Create a weather diary for each day this week.

Can you remember the season we a currently in? Watch the video to remember the four different seasons.

Look at the different types of weather (click here).Look out your window now, what type of weather is it? Your lesson is to create a weather diary for whole week. Each day, you can add the weather to your diary.

Weather Diary – Click here


Remote Wellbeing Pack – Whole School

Hi everyone,

We hope your first week of home learning has gone smoothly. From next week onwards, we will be popping on a weekly Wellbeing Pack with suggestions of daily activities to help promote positive mental health and wellbeing.

Here is next week’s pack:

Week 2 Wellbeing Pack – Whole School

You don’t need to print the pack off – you could use the templates to copy on to a plain piece of paper. There are also some links on the pictures for Monday and Tuesday.

We’d love to hear how you get on!

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Evans 🙂


Congratulations to Eve who is the latest winner of the Year 1 Numbots award. Eve has been working really hard at home playing the game to help improve her fluency in number.

Numbots Award

Congratulations to Seth who is the latest winner of the Year 1 Numbots award. Seth has been playing the game lots online at home to help improve his fluency in number.


A reminder that every child in Year 1 should have their own personalised log-in details for the Numbots website.

A huge well done to all off the children who have logged-on and played the game whilst they have been isolating at home.


By the end of this week, every child in Year 1 should have brought home their log-in details for the Numbots website. Our school subscribes to the Numbots website so that our children have the opportunity to develop their number fluency at home in a fun way. If you have any problems logging into your child’s account, please speak to your child’s class teacher.

Phonics in Year 1📚📖

Phonics are a really important part of Year 1.

Here are some useful links all about phonics and how to help your child at home.

Year 1 Phonics Guide for Parents

Year 1 Phonics Glossary

Phase 2 – 5 sounds

If you have any questions you would like to ask the Year 1 Team, you can email us at:

We can then reply to your emails when we are able to do so, during normal school hours.

Mrs Wilkinson, Mrs Blair, and Miss Morgan 😁