We hope you have all had lots of fun researching your scientists and conducting lots of exciting experiments!

I will attach the PDF’s with all the activities on again below, just in case you have missed them! If you have completed your year groups activities and want to do some more, feel free to dip into any other year groups resources or you could do them with your siblings!

Remember to share any photos or videos with us at

EY Bubbles

KS1 Paper Planes

Whole school spinners

y34 sundials and space

y56 Telephones

Two girls in year 5, Evie and Ruby, have sent us some photos already. Have a look at their super work below.


Super Scientists - Science Bulletin Board | Science bulletin ...

We can’t wait to see your photos and videos, St George’s!


REMINDER- Art Project

Hi everyone!

Just a reminder that the deadline for the ‘Artist in a Box’ competition is Friday 10th July. Please email photo evidence of your project to

The Arts Team will then judge the entries and announce a winner on the following Monday.

Good Luck!

Literacy Task

Matt Roller on Twitter: "2018 and we still haven't locked down if ...

Good morning year 1, 

Today we are continuing with our work on bears.

Discuss some of the famous bears that you know from story books or films e.g. Paddington, Winnie the Pooh, Goldilocks and the Three Bears ect.

Watch these opening clips to learn more about these famous bears…

Rupert the Bear (up to 1:00 min)


Winnie The Pooh


Yogi Bear


Which of these bears did you like the most and why? Draw your favourite bear and write a short fact file about them using the template below.

Day 2-Bear Fact File

In your fact file, try to include some of the following:

  • Name
  • Where it comes from
  • Friends
  • What it eats
  • Likes and dislikes

Remember to check for capital letters for their name and use your phonics to help you spell words in your writing.

Maths Task

Today we will continue to look at some more doubling. 

Go through the PowerPoint to recap the doubles up to double 10. Then practise doubling by creating symmetrical patterns on a butterfly.

Print off the butterfly template below or draw your own (you will need one butterfly for each doubles fact). Start by painting one spot on one side of the template then fold it over to create the double.  Can you child guess how many dots will be on the other side? Write the addition sentence underneath the picture. Now do this for the remaining doubles.

Butterfly Template

TIP: Emphasise how many spots can be seen on each side of the butterfly and make the link that these are the two numbers being added together to create the double.

Geography Task

Bears! They’re big, furry, and found in many places around the world. Today we will learn all about the different types of bears and where they live. 

Start by recapping the 7 continents. Listen and join in with this song. Can you spot the bear hiding in this video?


Go through this PowerPoint which contains information about the 8 different species of bears and where they live around the world.

Facts About Bears PowerPoint

Now have a go at this cut and stick activity. Cut out each bear and stick them in the correct place on the world map. If you get stuck, look back at the PowerPoint to help you.

Bears around the world- Cut and stick activity

Sports Day at Home! 🏅🏃‍♂️

Emotion,play,happiness - School Sport Day Clipart, HD Png Download ...

Normally around this year of time, we would have sports day in school. Unfortunately, we can’t do that this year but you can still have a ‘sports day’ at home.

Here are 12 challenges for you to take part in.There are 2 variations of each challenge in case you want to compete against an older sibling. Alternatively, compete against yourself by repeating each challenge and trying to improve on your personal best.

The events are easy to do and no special equipment required! See PDF for instructions of each event.

The challenges!

1.Throw and Clap 2.Target Throw 3.The Plank
4.Blindfold Balance 5.Star Jumps 6.Bunny Hops
7.Climb the mountain 8.Standing Long Jump 9.Around the World
10.Speed Jumps 11.Fast Feet 12.Jogging on the spot

Sports Day Challenges

Good luck and may the best man win! 

Science Task

Gummy Bear Science

Use gummy bears in a little science experiment that will help us learn how water behaves.

Saturday Science: Growing Gummy Bears | The Children's Museum of ...

The science behind the growing gummy bears

The water moves from the glass into the gummy bear through the outer “membrane” of the bear. The bear grows, instead of dissolving because the water molecules move into it, swelling it up.

Maths Task

Today we are learning to double numbers up to 10. 
When you double something you add together two amounts which are exactly the same.

Here is a set of five toy cars.

A row of five cars.

If you double this, you need to add another five toy cars. 

Ten cars split into two rows of five cars..

So double five is ten. The number sentence would look like this: 5+5=10. 

Practise doubling numbers using objects from the home. It is important that you do this systematically to begin with. Give your child 1 biscuit and ask them to double it. How many more would I need? Remind children that doubling means adding the same amount. Help your child to write the number sentence as they double each number. 

Look at the number sentences you have created- What do you notice about all of the doubles? Children should recognise that they are all in the 2 times table. Explain that this is because doubling is the same as multiplying by 2. 

To conclude the lesson, listen and join in with this doubling song.

Literacy Task

Good morning year 1, 

This week’s literacy tasks will be all about bears! Let’s start the day with a cheery song- Listen to ‘The Bare Necessities’ from ‘The Jungle Book’ and try to join in as much as you can.

Discuss some of the words and phrases in the song and their meanings, such as roam, bare necessities, strife, rest at ease, etc.


Draw a picture of Baloo the bear. Watch the clip again, this time pausing to talk about what he looks like, what he likes to eat and things he likes to do. Write some sentences about Baloo, around or underneath his picture. Use ideas from the song and the film clip to help you.

Here is an example: Baloo is a huge grey bear. He likes to eat ants which tickle his tongue. He loves to scratch his back on the trees. He enjoys to relax in the water and float along.

Don’t forget to check your writing for capital letters and full stops! 

Challenge: Can you write some sentences using the word ‘and’ to join two ideas? 🤔

Year 1 spellings – week beginning 6th July

This weeks spellings all contain the split digraph a-e.

The words are:









We have set these spellings to take you up until the end of term, the 15th July. You can continue practising your spellings by going into ‘previous lists’ on Spelling Shed.