Literacy Task

Axel Scheffler's official website | Superworm

Good morning year 1,

Today’s activity is all about using adjectives. Watch this video on BBC Bitesize to learn what an adjective is and have a go at the activities on the page.

What are adjectives? - BBC Bitesize

So remember, an adjective is a describing word. 

Today we will be writing short descriptions of Superworm and Wizard Lizard.

Go through the story and find a picture of Superworm. Can you think of some adjectives to describe him? For example, long and bendy. Make a mind map of your ideas.Don’t forget to describe his looks and personality!

Now have a go at putting some of these words into sentences. E.g. Superworm is long and bendy. Remember to use a capital letter and full stop in every sentence! 

Challenge: Can you using ‘and’ to make your sentences longer like mine?

Now do the same for Wizard Lizard.

A simplification of this task:

If your child struggles to write sentences have them generate some adjectives for both characters (Superworm and Wizard Lizard) and write them down on individual pieces of paper. Then muddle up the words and ask your child to sort them.

Year 1 and 2 Spelling shed!

This week, we will be celebrating the children who have been playing on Spelling shed and contributing points to their teams.

A huge well done to the following children:

1M – Constance and Shiyah

1BE – Aaron, Ellie-Mai and Niamh

1BL – Charlie and Corey

2B – Carter, Evan, Jerome and Taylor

2BF – Lucy and Oliver

2P – Blake, Connor, Harry-Jack, Lili T, Matilda and Oliver

Let’s try and get some more names up here, phase 1!

Year 1 Letter for 11th June Starters

8.6.20 Please see a copy of the letter emailed to parents of Y1 children who have requested their child starts back on Thursday 11th June.  Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions.

Year 1 letter for website for 11th June starters

Telford & Wrekin’s ‘Our Family Challenge’

Our Family Challenge

Telford and Wrekin have launched the above challenge. Have a look at the suggested activities above and see how many of them you can complete during June. We would then like you to post any photos and videos of your family completing the various challenges onto our school’s Facebook page using the hashtag #ourfamilychallenge

Winnie and Wilbur Stay at Home 📖

Stay At Home (Winnie and Wilbur) by Valerie Thomas

Join Winnie and Wilbur in a brand-new stay-at-home adventure! With Wilbur’s fun ideas and a flick of Winnie’s wand, staying at home can be lots of fun.

Click on the link below to read the interactive eBook with your child.

Winnie and Wilbur Stay at Home

A healthy outside starts from the inside…

Today’s well-being activity focuses on FOOD! 🥗

Evidence suggests that as well as affecting our physical health, what we eat may also affect the way we feel. Improving your diet may help to:

  • improve your mood
  • give you more energy
  • help you think more clearly.

Watch this episode of ‘Get Well Soon’ to learn about the importance of eating healthily.


Have a think about which foods make you feel good and bad. Then have a go at the activity below.

Your Food is a Mood!


Food Bank Update

Update on our Food Bank
Thank you so much to everyone who has been able to support us to run the food bank during lock-down. We have been able to support over 25 families each week during this difficult time due to generous donations from individual families, organisations and local businesses. Thank you- we could not have done this without your help!
Our plan is to begin to wind down the food bank to finish the week beginning 13th July. Anything food items remaining at school that week will be donated to another local food bank.
We will help the families who have been using our food bank by giving them details of more sustainable food banks and organisations that may be able to offer them a range of services they need to help them get back on track.

Science Activity 🔬🧪

Today’s science activity is linked to our story ‘Superworm’.

Follow the instructions on the sheet below to create your very own wormery! This project will show children how worms turn plant waste into soil, introduce them to ‘recycling’ and ‘useful waste’, and encourage them to look closely at worms and other garden wildlife.

Don’t forget to release the worms back into the wild after you’ve finished your experiment. 


Maths Task

Memorising times tables makes it far quicker and easier for children to work out maths problems in their heads. By the end year 1, children should be well on their way to learning the 2, 5, and 10 times tables.

Watch this video and create your own Multiplication Table Wheel which will help children to learn the multiplication facts in a fun and interactive way.

Literacy Task

Axel Scheffler's official website | Superworm

Good morning year 1, 

This week’s literacy activities will be based on the story ‘Superworm’ by Julia Donaldson. Some of you might remember me reading this book in an assembly earlier on this year! 

I have attached a power point version of the story here so you can have a go at reading it with an adult.

Discuss how Superworm helped the different garden creatures. Draw a picture of each creature with their problem. Write a description of the problem and how Superworm fixes it.

E.g. Superworm turns into a skipping rope to cheer up the bees.

Don’t forget to share all of the work you have done with your teachers by sending in a copy to