We’re going on a bear hunt!😊

Year one and two had fun going on a bear hunt in forest schools.

We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen, Helen Oxenbury ...

Maths activities 😊👍

Good morning Year 1!

We hope you are keeping safe and well ❤

Here are some activities on 2D shapes that you can try at home this week:

When you have completed these activities, have a go at the Name the 2D shape quiz to see how much you have remembered 👍

Don’t forget, we love to see how you are getting on with your home learning. Please send any work to year1team@stgeorgesschool.org.uk    😊


Kindness Project- please take part!

Hosted by the Mental Health Foundation, Mental Health Awareness Week will take place nationally from 18-24th May 2020. The theme is ‘kindness’ which fits in really well with our school values. We want to celebrate all the wonderful acts of kindness around us, that are so important to our mental health, by asking you all to email in photos of acts of kindness you have seen or are doing, create a picture, write a poem or a pretend newspaper article. Anything you like to celebrate kindness!

Kindness work to be emailed into school by Wednesday 20th May please to admin@stgeorgesschool.org.uk

If you would like to know more, please click on this link which takes you to the Mental Health Foundation’s website.


Literacy ✏✏✏

Good morning everyone! 😍

We hope you are keeping safe and well.

Handwriting. ❤✏❤

Here are five letters to practise. You can do one a day if you want to. Remember tall letters, short letters and hanging letters. There is some lined paper to print off to help.

letter a video   letter c video   letter d video   letter g video   letter q video

handwriting lines


Listen to the story; We’re Going on a Bear Hunt. 🐻🐻🐻

Can you remember what happened? Use the story map to stick the story in the right order. When you have done that have a go at writing under each part of the story.

Story map.


Watch and listen to the tricky word video.

Can you remember which words were in the video? How many did you write down? How did you get on with your spelling?

Can you put each word into a sentence?

We hope you have a good week. Hopefully we will see each other soon. 🌈❤🌈



Topic Activity 🧸⚽

The Old Toy Room

We are learning all about toys in Topic. Today we are looking at old toys!

Listen to this story…

The Old Toy Room by Twinkl Originals - book, teaching resources ...

This story is about Lottie meeting lots of different old toys.

Your Activity:

Have a go at answering these questions:

  • Which old toys did you spot?
  • What did everyone do after the ballerinas danced in the theatre?
  • What were your favourite old toys?
  • Do you have any of these old toys at home?

How many old toys can you remember? See how many you can draw and label.

Parents, please see the list below to find what your child should be trying to use in their writing. 

  • Beautiful handwriting – tall (t, h, l, b, d…) short (a, c, s, r…) and hanging (g, y, p…) letters
  • Finger spaces – making sure there is a finger space between each word
  • Capital letters – capital letters for names and at the start of a sentence
  • Phonics sounding – using their phonics knowledge to sound/spell words
  • Full stop – using a full stop at the end of a sentence
  • To make your writing more interesting you can use adjectives.

Don’t forget, we love to see how you are getting on with your home learning! Your grown up can email us at  year1team@stgeorgesschool.org.uk

Government Announcement 10.5.20

As I am sure you will have heard this evening, the Government are putting into place for Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 to return to school after half term. As a school, we do not know anymore than that at this moment in time. Please allow us time to be sent further guidance and we will communicate with you as soon as we know more.

Please note that current arrangements still stand where we are only able to have the children of existing key workers and those with a social worker in school. Again, we will let you know as soon as possible if this position changes.

Thank you very much for your understanding.


Hi Everyone,

We have just been sent these details below for a Bake Off competition. If you do enter, we’d love to see a photo of your paper designs or an actual cake if you make one! To officially enter the competition though, you do need to follow the instructions below.

The Mayor, Councillor Steven Reynolds has recently launched his Telford NHS Bake Off Competition and the deadline for this has been extended to 12 noon on Friday 15 May to allow more time for entries to be submitted. The competition as it suggests is in aid of NHS, Carers and Key Workers who are working tirelessly to keep us all protected.

To enter:

  • Design a cake with pen and paper OR
  • Bake a cake
  • Take a photograph and share your creation on the Council’s social media platforms i.e. Facebook and Twitter using #TelfordNHSbakoff or email entries to bakeoff@telford.gov.uk
  • If you are able to – donate to my Mayor’s Charity Appeal 2019/20 at www.gofundme.com/mayorscharityappeal1920

Foundation activities for this week📝


Topic – Toys from the past🧸

Old Toys Topic Lesson


100 Years of Toys Video

Toys from the past power point

Spinning top activity 

Old Toys word search


Science – Looking after pets 🐶

Looking After Your Pet Science Lesson


Looking after pets video


VE Day – Friday 8th May🎈

VE Day information and activities


All about VE day


RE – The month of Ramadan🌙

All about the month of Ramadan Lesson


All about the month of Ramadan



Don’t forget, we love to see how you are getting on with your home learning! Your grown up can email us at  year1team@stgeorgesschool.org.uk