School Food Bank Appeal

We know we have some families at school who are really struggling and are in need of some help. We would like to set up a mini food bank here at school, so if you are able to donate any items to this we would be very grateful. From Wednesday 15th April, we will place a box outside of the main school office for you to leave any donations. We need dried and tinned foods as well as toiletries etc. Really, we will accept anything you can offer and we will ensure it gets to the families who we know need it. Many thanks for your support.

Keeping Active at Home

Following the success of our previous video of the children dancing to ‘Reach’, we would like give the children the opportunity to be involved in another video.

This time, we would like to see how our children are keeping active at home. This may include aerobics, gymnastics, skipping, ball skills etc. If you are happy for your child to take part, film them being active and email the clip to by Friday 17th April 1pm. Please note that the completed film will be put on our school website, Facebook page and Twitter account.

We look forward to receiving your videos. Here is a clip of how Mr Porteous is keeping active at home for some inspiration…


Easter fun with key worker children.

Today we have made our own playdough.

We used 1 cup of flour, 1/2 a cup of salt, oil, cream of tartar, food colouring and water. We mixed it all together, microwaved it and let it cool. We have had lots of fun playing with it. It will need covering and keeping in the fridge.

Mixing it up
Luke made a man!



Luke, John and Tom’s model.

There’s been some great models made in the classroom today.

Super building boys.