Year 2 Literacy

As part of our author study unit in Literacy, we have been enjoying books written by Anthony Browne. Today we read the book Silly Billy and then made our own worry doll which we will get to take home.

The children can share their worries with the worry doll and then put the doll under their pillow. The doll takes the worries in the person’s place so that they can have a good night’s sleep and not have to worry about anything!

To read the book, click on the picture.

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Year 2 Maths

Today we explored how a 2-digit number can be partitioned in different ways.  We made the number using dienes and then partitioned it in 4 different ways.


Year 2 Geography

This week in Geography we started our new topic about Farming and Food – Where does our food come from? We learned about different types of farms and why farms are important.

Year 2 Reading!

Today in Year 2, the children had their very first whole class fluency lesson! The children were thrilled to have their own books and enjoyed practising their reading with prosody, focussing on expression, tone and rhythm. It was wonderful to see how engaged they were and we are looking forward to many more sessions to build their confidence and fluency in reading. A great start to our reading journey!

Year 2 Literacy

In Literacy, we have started our author study. We have reading stories written by Anthony Browne. Today, we read the book ‘The Tunnel’. The children took part in an activity called ’Conscience Alley’ where they role played the different voices in Rose’s head, presenting reasons for and against her decision to follow her brother into the tunnel.




Year 2 Maths

Today we worked in pairs to represent a two-digit number. We had to select a card and then use equipment or pictures to build that number in different ways. We had to recognise how many tens there were first by looking at the tens digit and then recognise how many ones there were by looking at the ones digit.


World Art Day

On Monday 15th April it was World Art Day. To celebrate this we had a special assembly for both KS1 and KS2 where we learnt that World Art Day is on Leonardo Da Vinci’s birthday. During the Assembly, every child had a piece of paper and a pencil and we drew our own Zentangles. We looked at different lines that can be used and different ways to use them. The children really enjoyed the assembly and drew some beautiful Zentangles.