Nice to see you, to see you nice!

Hi everyone!

We hope you are well, keeping safe and most importantly… being good for your parents!🤔 The adults in year 2 are missing you very much so we have come up with a way to keep it touch. You can use the email address below to tell us what you have been up to and to share any work that you have done. We will then reply to your email during school hours.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Year 2 Team 😁


Jake’s Marine Mammals Quiz Answers

How did you get on?

Can you now find 3 facts about each mammal?

Literacy Resource


This week we will be using ‘Literacy Shed’ to support with our learning.

Watch the short film ‘ A cloudy Lesson’ then go cloud spotting outside. What shapes can you find in the sky? Write a description of what you saw using adjectives and conjunctions (and, but, so, because).

Challenge- Can you use a simile in your writing?

E.g. A cloud chasing another like a puppy across the sky.

NATWEST MoneySense Website

MoneySense is a free financial education programme for children aged from 5 which contains fun activities, games and resources that help teach children about money at home, as well as in schools.

Maths video lessons

Use the link below to access daily maths lessons for your child.

The lessons are delivered through YouTube and are about 15 to 20 minutes long. Each lesson concludes with follow-up tasks for the children to do at home.

NOTE: It is important that the videos are watched in the suggested order as they build on the previous lesson.  This week’s lessons focus on money.