Mathematics at Home

The ‘White Rose Maths Hub’ are currently providing free access to their website.

There are brilliant videos and activities to support you and your child at home with the learning objectives from the Year 2 Numeracy Curriculum.

Friday 27th March

In Phase 1 we ended our British Wildlife Week learning all about Badgers.

We began the day by having great fun making a badger’s head out of a paper plate.

We then learnt about the fact that badgers and nocturnal and that this is why we don’t see them very often. We created our own night time scenes to show this.


Thursday 26th March

Today we continued our British Wildlife Week theme by beginning the morning with a ‘Hungry Caterpillar’ colouring competition.

We then made caterpillar-themed thank you cards for our local ASDA supermarket to show our appreciation of their efforts during these challenging times. Those who completed their card with time to spare made their own ‘collage goose’.

Before lunchtime, we went around the school environment looking for natural objects which could be used to help create our very own ‘Bug Hotel’ for the mini-beasts living at our school.

In the afternoon, we learnt how to play Archery followed by some ‘Golden Time’ as a reward to the children for being so well behaved throughout the day.

British birds in year 1 and 2

We have looked at British birds this morning.

Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera

We are busy in school!

We have been having a lovely time in school this week. We have been learning about British birds. We learned about British owls yesterday and today it is all about  British birds. We have also been into the garden to plant some seeds.

Digital Camera
Digital Camera


Learning at Home

A ‘Learning at Home’ pack has been created for every child in Year 2. This pack includes a variety of computer and non-computer based activities. We have also sent home a couple of reading books and this week’s Literacy and Numeracy Homework.

Those children who were at school on Monday 23rd March completed a range of activities during their day. Perhaps you could try some of them at home…

  • Drawing and labelling wildlife which is commonly found in Britain.
  • Every child painted their own rainbow to take home and put on display in a window at home. A lot of families are walking around their neighbourhood to see how many rainbows they can find.

  • We went on a wildlife trail around school during the afternoon. There were 16 different cards hidden around the school playground, each containing a description what an animal, or bird, commonly found in Britain likes to eat. The children then had to write the name of the animal, or bird, which they thought matched the description.

Below are a number of suitable websites which your children can access for free:

Numeracy Games

The Maths Factor website is now FREE for everyone (usually about £2 per week) to support childrens’ continued learning at home for the duration of the UK Schools closure period.

‘Super Maths Bowling’ can be played as a one or two player game. Before each game begins, you will need to select the x2, x3, x5 and x10 multiplication tables. Your child could practise a single table at a time or a combination.

‘Archery Arithmetic’ can be played as a one or two player game. Before each game begins, you will need to select the x2, x3, x5 and x10 multiplication tables. Your child could practise a single table at a time or a combination.

‘Multiplication Fishing’ can be played as a one or two player game. Before each game begins, you will need to select the x2, x3, x5 and x10 multiplication tables. Your child could practise a single table at a time or a combination.

‘Hit the Button’ can be played to practise number bonds to 10, 20 and 100 (multiplies of 10). Basic doubles, halves and multiplication tables can also be practised.

‘Coconut Odd or Even’ is a brilliant game where the children can practise their knowledge of odd and even numbers up to 100/

‘Place Value Basketball’ is a great game where the children can consolidate their understanding of ‘tens’ and ‘ones’ in numbers up to 99.

‘Penalty Shootout’ can be played as a one or two player game. Before each game begins, you will need to select the x2, x3, x5 and x10 multiplication tables. Your child could practise a single table at a time or a combination.

‘Maths Mini Golf’ can be played as a one or two player game. Before each game begins, you will need to select the x2, x3, x5 and x10 multiplication tables. Your child could practise a single table at a time or a combination.

‘Hickory, Dickory, Dock’ is a game where the children can practise telling the time. By the end of Y2 children need to be able to tell the time to the nearest 15 minutes, or the nearest 5 minutes for those children who excel.

‘Counting Caterpillar’ is a game where children can practise ordering numbers up to 100.

‘Post a Letter’ enables chldren to practise reading numbers as words up to 100.

The game above enables children to practise finding fractions of a number. In Y2 children work with 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 1/2, 1/3, and 2/3.

‘Capacity Countdown’ allows children to test their ability of being able to read numbers accurately on scales of different increments.

‘Doggy Division’ lets children divide by sharing.

‘Table Tennis’ can be played as a one or two player game. Before each game begins, you will need to select the x2, x3, x5 and x10 multiplication tables. Your child could practise a single table at a time or a combination.

Each child has their own personal log-in details to the Times Tables Rock Stars website which can be found in the front of their Reading Record. Children will need to play on the ‘Garage’ section of the website to be tested on their x2, x5, x10 and x3 multiplication tables.

Each child has their own personal log-in details to the Numbs website which can be found in the front of their Reading Record. This website helps the children to improve their number fluency.

Spelling Games

‘Look, Cover, Write – Check’ allows the children to practise the specific spelling patterns which they need know by the end of Y2. They can also practise their tricky words.

Each child has their log-in details for ‘Spelling Shed’ in the front of their Reading Record.


For children who are in the early stages of reading, ‘Teach Your Monster to Read’ is an excellent website which teaches children the basics of Phonics. Please note that you will need to create an account before being able to access the game.


‘Big Babies’ is a game which teaches children how to identify verbs and adverbs in a sentence.

‘Trapped’ is a games which teaches children how to identify nouns and adjectives in a sentence.

Homophones – learn the difference between the words to, too and two through a series of videos and games.

Homophones – learn the difference between their, they’re and there.

Whole Curriculum

Children in Y2 should recently have brought home a letter containing their log-in details for a website called ‘Purple Mash’.

This website has games and activities for children to access all areas of the curriculum.

In science we have been looking at ‘Living things and their habitats’

You can find these activities under the science topic ‘animals’

‘Living and Non-Living’

‘Animals and their homes’

Create a rock pool thinking about the animals that might live there.

You will find this activity under Geography/coasts


Children can have a go at simple programming by playing on ‘2go’

Our topic lessons have been based around ‘Where in the world is Bear?’

Children can consolidate their geographical knowledge by playing these games.

Activities found under: Topics/geography/ maps.

Children can have a go at writing their very own postcard from Brazil. 

You will find this activity under Topics/Countries and places.