Parent and Child Cooking Session

Well done to Buzz, Daniel, Jayden, Oscar and Ava who worked with their Mums to bake some delicious muffin pizzas yesterday. With the support of the Eat Well team, they followed the healthy recipe, measured out the ingredients and chose their favourite toppings. It was lovely to see how cooking can be a great opportunity for teamwork!

Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera

Storytelling Week

National Storytelling Week 2023 Activities | National Literacy Trust | National Literacy Trust

This week at St George’s, we will be celebrating Storytelling Week! This event invites children to enjoy stories both old and new, to use as inspiration for the most classical form of entertainment: the telling of stories!

The children will take part in various activities throughout the week which will take them on a journey to become confident storytellers with a focus on developing oracy skills. Each class will buddy up with a different year group and perform a story/poem by the end of the week.

We have also invited Peter Chand into our school who is a renowned storyteller and well known for his powerful, evocative and moving stories. He will lead assemblies and deliver workshops to every year group!

Webinar Wednesday - The Creatives' Guide to Marketing with Peter Chand - Beyond the Border

Stay tuned for photos of this fantastic event!

Art Competition! ๐Ÿ–Œโœ๐Ÿ–๐Ÿ–Œโœ๐Ÿ–๐Ÿ–Œโœ๐Ÿ–

We are opening up theย  spring art competition.

We would like you to try to paint in the way that Tom Yendell does. Tom uses his mouth and his feet to hold a pencil and a paint brush so that he can produce his art.

Click to learn about Tom Yendell.

Here is some of the art he has produced.

We would like you to have a go at using your mouth or your feet to hold the pencil and paint brush to produce a piece of art in the style of Tom Yendell.

All entries to Mrs Blair or Mrs Probert by the end of half term. We will announce the winner after half term. Good luck!



Creative Prayer Day

As philosophers, today each of our Year Two children made a Prayer Bracelet to take home and keep. As each bead was placed onto their bracelet, a child would say a prayer that related to the following colours of bead…

Red – for people we love

Green – for nature

Turquoise – for children around the world

Natural – for families

White – for our school


Dog’s Trust Assembly

This week, we have welcomed Alison from Dog’s Trust into our assemblies to talk to the children about how to keep safe around dogs.

The children have learnt that if they want to stroke a dog that they see out in public, they must:

  • Ask the owner- it is very important to get permission first.
  • Ask the dog- the children know to stand with their hands by their sides.
  • Wait for the dog to come to you- if the dog doesn’t it means that they don’t want to be stroked.
  • Always stroke the dog on the side of their body so they can see what is happening.
  • Always stroke dogs gently.

The children have also learnt what to do if they are scared when a dog comes up to them.

  • Never run away, always stand still as the dog may think it is a game.
  • Anything that you might have in your hands that a dog may like, throw it away on the floor.
  • Cross your arms so that they cannot sniff your hands.
  • Don’t look at the dog.

See if your child can remember what to do around dogs that they see out and about!

Literacy/History in Year 2

This week we started a new topic in History all about explorers which we have linked to our literacy work.

The children learned about Neil Armstrong and the first ever moon landing. They had so much fun recreating the events in groups and preforming their roleplay to their peers!

Over the next couple of weeks the children will explore the features of a diary and write a diary entry from the perspective of Neil Armstrong.

Reading At Home ๐Ÿ“š ๐Ÿ 

As we enter 2023 we would like to ensure that our children continue to read with an adult at home. As you can see from the table above, the longer your child reads for, the more words they will encounter to help broaden their vocabulary. Thank you so much for your support.

3D Shapes ? ?

As mathematicians, we have been looking at 3D shapes and their properties. This week, we have been on two shape hunts to find out how many faces, edges and vertices each 3D shape has.