Year 2 Displays

Our Year 2 children have produced an excellent range of Back to School Prayers, Self-Portraits and photographs of them reading in an unusual place. Thank you so much to those of you who sent in photographs of your children reading in an unusual place to help us to create this particular display above our Reading Den.

Art competition! 🖍🖌🖍🖌🖍

We would like you to be contemporary artists. 🖌✏🖍

Below are some art works by the Japanese contemporary artist Takashi Murakami.

Have a go at creating a piece of art work in his style. Look at the use of colour, the shapes and the images. Try not to copy what he does but create your own art work. Work can be given to Mrs Blair or Mrs Probert by half term. We will then  choose a piece of art work which will be displayed in the corridor by Mrs Sixsmith’s office.

Good luck! 🍀 We are very much looking forward to seeing some contemporary art.

Black History Month Competition

For Black History month we are running a History competition! Children are asked to create a poster about a famous person in black history and hand it in to Miss Rogers (year 5) by the end of this half term (21st October). There will be a prize for each year group so make sure you clearly name and label your work with your year group as well.

Each week the History team will be sharing some information about a famous person to help inspire the children. This week the information is all about Mae Jemison.

Mae Jemison Fact File

Reading Challenge Week! 😊

We had a fabulous time last week celebrating our love of reading with our Reading Challenge Week! During the week, children enjoyed lots of super reading activities in school, including Buddy Reading, a lunchtime Read-a-thon, Pyjama Day and much more! ⭐📚  We would like to say a big well done to all of the children for their brilliant efforts, and also a huge thank you to parents and carers for all of your support during the week! 🙏😊

Buddy Reading 😊

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Our KS2 Lunchtime Read-a-thon 📚

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Pyjama Day 🥰

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Special Visitor in Year 2!

When we arrived at school this morning, we noticed that a special had been delivered to each of our classes. The letter was from Mrs Sixsmith. In the letter, Mrs Sixsmith explained how much she loved books and wondered if she could visit our class and read us a story. We were very excited about this so we sent her an email to say yes, straight away!

Later in the day, Mrs Sixsmith came down and read us the story called Ask First, Monkey which we thoroughly enjoyed.

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Reading Challenge Week

To celebrate and encourage a lifelong love of reading at home and school, we will be running a Reading Challenge Week from Monday 26th September to Friday 30th September. This will involve lots of fun activities in school, and also some ways to get involved at home. There will be prizes for children who read lots throughout the week.

As part of this week, we will be running ”Lunchtime Readathons” in school. The children will be invited to come to Miss Bibis classroom (Key Stage 1) or Mrs Branfords classroom (Key Stage 2) to read at lunchtime.We will record the number of children who attend from each class, and also the number of minutes that they have read for. Classes with lots of minutes of reading will earn class treats.

We are also giving children the option to take part in a sponsored read. This is completely optional there is absolutely no pressure to take part! For those children who would like to join in, the aim is to read as many minutes as they can, and then get sponsors to support them in their challenge. A copy of the relevant sponsor sheets and recording logs have been sent home. All of the money raised will go towards brand new books for our school. 

The younger children might like to take part in the listening challenge instead. This involves the children listening to a story read by a grown up. A listening log has been sent home so that children can record how many minutes of listening they have done!

To conclude our Reading Challenge Week we will have a Pyjama Day on Friday 30th September. The children can come to school in their pyjamas, for a fun-filled day of reading and relaxing! There is no charge for this, and wearing pyjamas is also optional. 

Good Luck! ?




Reading Practice Sessions

This week, the children in Year One (and the children continuing with Phonics in Year Two) started their ‘Reading Practice’ sessions in school. The children have now read their reading book to an adult, at least two times. This book has been carefully matched to your child’s current reading level.

This book has now been sent home so that you can listen to your child read. If your child is reading with little help, please don’t worry that it’s too easy – your child needs to develop fluency and confidence in reading.

The children will start a new reading book in school next week. This book will get sent home on Friday, after the Reading Practice sessions. We will collect in the books from the previous week on the same day.

If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher on their year group email address. ?

Times Tables Rockstars!

Every child in Year 2 should have brought home Times Tables Rockstars usernames and passwords this week. There should also have been an accompanying information sheet that explains how the game works.

Year 2 Trip


Save the date! On Tuesday 15th November, we will be going on a trip to the Royal Airforce Museum in Cosford. Further details have been sent to parents/guardians via email.