Come Dine With Me

We took part in St George’s Come Dine with Me! We made chocolate crispy cakes for all of the children in Year 5 and they created food for us. In the afternoon we all sat together and ate the food Year 5 made for us. We really liked the pizza toast!

Planting seeds

In Year 2 we had a visitor from Harper Adams to teach us all about seeds. We looked at some seeds and found out that they can be different colours and sizes. We talked about what plants need to grow well and set up a fair test experiment to find out. We planed some peas and some radish seeds in soil.  We are going to check on the seeds over the next two weeks to find out which one grows the best.

Pants are Private Assembly

In today’s class assembly, we talked about the NSPCC’s underwear rules. PANTS is a simple and clever acronym devised to teach children the underwear rules:

  • Privates are private
  • Always remember your body belongs to you
  • No means no
  • Talk about secrets that upset you
  • Speak up, someone can help.

Go to the NSPCC website for further tips, advice and materials.

NSPCC talks PANTS in new campaign - Design Week

St George’s Mathematics Day!

On Wednesday, we took part in a Mathematics Day. The theme for this day was all about telling the time. Each child in year 2 made their own ‘clock hat’ and took part in various time based activities in class.  They also had the opportunity to work with the maths coordinators, Mr Porteous and Mrs Morris and played some fun times table games. Some of the children even won a small prize!


Visitor in Year 2 ??☪

On Tuesday we had a visitor who came to talk to us about Islam. Suleman, is an Imaan at Telford Central Mosque. He talked to us about Islam and the mosque and we had the opportunity to ask lots of questions and learn more about the Islamic faith.



You’ll never guess what we found when we came into our classes this week… BUTTERFLIES! 🦋

Today we took our butterflies out into forest school and let them fly away. We have enjoyed watching them grow from caterpillars, into chrysalises and then beautiful butterflies!

RE in year 2 🕌📿

The children in year 2 started a new topic in RE ‘What can we learn about Islam from Muslims and Mosques?’.

So far, the children have heard the story of Muhammad and the Cat and today they have learned all about mosques. They showed so much interest and asked so many questions! They even got to have a look at a real prayer mat, tasbih beads and a stand for the Qur’an.


Sewing Club ?✂

The children in year 2 really enjoyed their first session of sewing club and can’t wait to continue with their designs next week!

Year 1 and 2 Sports Day Monday 🏅

Below is a reminder of the colours that we would like each class to wear if possible on Monday’s Year 1 & 2 Sports Day. Please can your child wear their coloured t-shirt and the rest of their PE kit to school, and they can then wear it for the remainder of the day.

1H – Green

1M – Blue

1B – Red

2P – Red

2Pr – Green

2B – Blue

Thank you for your support.