Spellings 08.02.21

Mrs Probert and Mrs Foxley’s group 

This week we are looking at the ‘ea’ sound.

Your spellings for this week are:

  • sea
  • seat
  • bead
  • read
  • treat

Use the PowerPoint below to introduce the new sound and practise reading some words containing this sound. Then have a go at the activity to help consolidate your understanding.



NOTE: These spellings have been added to the children’s Spelling Shed accounts so they can practise on here too.

Why not ask someone to test you on Friday to see how many you have remembered? Don’t forget to email us with your scores!

Spellings 01.02.21

Mr Porteous and Miss Bibi’s group 

This week they are spelling the sound /r/ with ‘wr’ at the beginning of words.

Your spellings for this week are:

  • write
  • written
  • wrote
  • wrong
  • wrap
  • wrist
  • wreck
  • wrestle
  • wriggle
  • wren

Use the PowerPoint below to introduce the new sound and work through a selection of  the activities to help consolidate your understanding.

Introduction PowerPoint- /r/ as ‘wr’

‘Wr’ activity booklet

Word Search

Mr. Whoops Juggling Muddle

NOTE: These spellings have been added to the children’s Spelling Shed accounts so they can practise on here too.

Why not ask someone to test you on Friday to see how many you have remembered? Don’t forget to email us with your scores!

Spellings 01.02.21

Mrs Probert and Mrs Foxley’s group 

This week we are looking at the ‘ie’ sound.

Your spellings for this week are:

  • lie
  • pie
  • tie
  • cried
  • tried

Use the PowerPoint below to introduce the new sound and practise reading some words containing this sound. Then work through the activity booklet to help consolidate your understanding.

Introduction PowerPoint- Phase-5 quick read ‘ie’


NOTE: These spellings have been added to the children’s Spelling Shed accounts so they can practise on here too.

Why not ask someone to test you on Friday to see how many you have remembered? Don’t forget to email us with your scores!

Spellings 25.1.21

 Mr Porteous and Miss Bibi’s group 

This week they will be looking at the /n/ sound spelt using ‘kn’ and ‘gn’.

Your spellings for this week are:

  • knock
  • know
  • knee
  • knitting
  • knife
  • gnat
  • gnaw
  • gnash
  • gnome
  • gnarled

Use the PowerPoint below to introduce the new sound and work through the activity booklet to help consolidate your understanding.

Introduction PowerPoint- Gn and Kn

Spelling Activities – Gn and Kn

NOTE: These spellings have been added to the children’s Spelling Shed accounts so they can practise on here too.

Why not ask someone to test you on Friday to see how many you have remembered? Don’t forget to email us with your scores!

Spellings 25.1.21

Mrs Probert and Mrs Foxley’s group 

This week we are looking at the ‘ay’ sound.

Your spellings for this week are:

  • day
  • may
  • play
  • clay
  • tray

Use the PowerPoint below to introduce the new sound and work through the activity booklet to help consolidate your understanding.

Introduction PowerPoint- Phase 5 /ay/


NOTE: These spellings have been added to the children’s Spelling Shed accounts so they can practise on here too.

Why not ask someone to test you on Friday to see how many you have remembered? Don’t forget to email us with your scores!

Week Beginning 07.12.20

The children in Mrs Probert/Mrs Foxley’s Letters and Sounds group have been looking at the ‘ur’ sound. Practise reading and writing these words at home:

fur, burn, surf, curl, turn

The children will not be tested on them and you will also find a copy of your child’s spellings in their homework books.

Children in Mr Porteous’ and Miss Bibi’s Letters and Sounds groups have been looking at the ‘ur’ and ‘or’ sounds. We would like the children to practice reading and spelling these words at home:

purse, purple, burst, burglar, turtle, author, sailor, visitor, mirror, doctor

The children will not be tested on them and you will also find a copy of your child’s spellings in their Reading Record.

Week Beginning 23.11.20

The children in Mrs Probert/Mrs Foxley’s Letters and Sounds group have  been looking at the ‘air’ sound. Practise reading and spelling these words at home:

air, hair, pair, fair, chair

The children will not be tested on them and you will also find a copy of your child’s spellings in their homework books.

Children in Mr Porteous’ and Miss Bibi’s Letters and Sounds groups have been looking at the soft /c/ and soft /g/ sounds.  We would like the children to practice reading and spelling these words at home:

city, circle, pencil, mice, fancy, giant, giraffe, magic, gentle, energy

The children will not be tested on them and you will also find a copy of your child’s spellings in their Reading Record.


Children in Mrs Probert’s/Mrs Foxley’s Letters and Sounds group have been looking at the ‘ear’ sound. Practice reading and spelling these words at home:

ear, dear, fear, hear, year

The children will not be tested on them and you will also find a copy of your child’s spellings in their Reading Record.

Children in Mr Porteous’ and Miss Bibi’s Letters and Sounds groups have been looking at ‘zh’ sound represented as an ‘s’ in words, as well as long and short vowel sounds. We would like the children to practice reading and spelling these words at home:

measure, treasure, vision, unusual, casual, find, silent, blinding, migrate, mind.

The children will not be tested on them and you will also find a copy of your child’s spellings in their Reading Record


Children in Mrs Probert’s/Mrs Foxley’s Letters and Sounds group have been looking at the ‘oi’ sound. Practice reading and spelling these words at home:

oil, soil, boil, coin, foil

The children will not be tested on them and you will also find a copy of your child’s spellings in their Reading Record.

Children in Mr Porteous’ and Miss Bibi’s Letters and Sounds groups have been looking at split digraphs. We would like the children to practice reading and spelling these words at home:

flute, huge, cube, volume, excuse, explode, alone, globe, antelope, phone

The children will not be tested on them and you will also find a copy of your child’s spellings in their Reading Record


Children in Mrs Probert’s/Mrs Foxley’s Letters and Sounds group have been looking at the ‘ai’ sound. Practice reading and spelling these words at home:

aim, rain, main, mail, snail

The children will not be tested on them and you will also find a copy of your child’s spellings in their Reading Record.

Children in Mr Porteous’ and Miss Bibi’s Letters and Sounds groups have been looking at split digraphs. We would like the children to practice reading and spelling these words at home:

escape, brake, mistake, complete, evening, delete, inside, prize, smile, invite

The children will not be tested on them and you will also find a copy of your child’s spellings in their Reading Record.