This week in Year 2

Phonics and Early Reading Workshop for Parents

We are holding sessions for this at 2:30pm and 5:30pm on Thursday 26th October.

During these sessions we will be sharing how we teach early reading and spelling in reception and key stage 1. We will also discuss how you can support your child at home with reading.

If you are interested in attending one of these sessions, please sign up through ParentPay.

This week in Year 2 😊

This week in Year 2

Year 2 Black History Month

This week we listened to the story of Rosa Parks. We understood how Rosa Parks fought discrimination. We created our own pictures of her and added words to describe her and her actions. .

Blue Peter Book Club

The Blue Peter presenters and Henry alongside the Blue Peter Book Club logo on a blue background.

Blue Peter have launched a new Book Club which we are very excited to promote in school!

Each month Blue Peter will put together a list of 6 amazing books as recommended reads. We will provide copies of these books, which the children can sign out and borrow. These will be stored in the main entrance of the school and can be borrowed for a maximum of 1 week.

By sharing a book review after you have read the book, the children can earn the brand –new Blue Peter Book Badge, designed by Sir Quentin Blake. To earn your badge, the children will need to fill in the Book Badge Application Form which will ask them questions the book they have read. The form can be accessed from the Blue Peter website. It can be uploaded online or sent by post.

The Blue Peter Book Badge designed by sir quentin blake.

Here are this month recommended reads!

Six books sit on a blue gradient background surrounding the Blue Peter Book Club logo.

If your child in having trouble deciding which book to dive into, they can complete the “Which Book Club book suits me best?” quiz on the Blue Peter website which will recommend the perfect book just for them!

For more information, click on the link below.

Official Blue Peter Book Club | Join the BP Book Club | Book badge – CBBC – BBC

Good luck!

Year 2 Author Study

As part of our Literacy lessons, we have been focussing on the author Anthony Browne. We have read several of his books and produced some fantastic writing based on them. Our work has been put on display for everyone to see!

Year 2 Reward!

Year 2 were one of the first year groups in the school to reach 500 behaviour points, as part of the new behaviour system in school. For their reward, they chose a movie and popcorn afternoon. Here are some pictures.


St George’s History Week

This week we have been learning all about the history of St Georges. We had a guest speaker – Mrs Smith come in to tell us all about St Georges over the years. Today, we went for a walk all around St Georges to look at the old buildings and what they used to be.