VE Day

Question of the day…

Who is Winston Churchill and why is he important to VE Day?

Watch this video to answer these questions.

BBC Bitesize

Show us what you have learned about Churchill by creating a poster!

Don’t forget to send in a photo of your work to  👍




Literacy Task

What do you love most about your grandparents?

Is it the lovely cuddles they give you? Or the amazing stories they tell?

Watch this film about a little boy who goes on an adventure with his grandpa.

Taking Flight

Then write about an adventure you’ve had with your grandparents! 👵👴


VE Day Explanation Video

The concept of VE Day isn’t an easy concept for young children to understand. Although the video below has a target audience of KS2 children, some parents may feel that this video is suitable to help their child understand what VE Day is better. Please watch the video first to determine whether you think that is suitable for your child.


Mindfulness Activity-Emotion Octopus

Have a go at making this emotion changing octopus out of paper cups.

It can be used as a toy, as an addition to story time or as a tool when it comes to talking about or coping with emotions.

YouTube Video

Lights, Camera Action!

Have you been watching lots of films lately? Were there any that you really enjoyed or even disliked?

Write a review for one of the films you have just watched.

Try to cover these points in your review:

  • Did you enjoy the film?
  • What was it about?
  • Would you suggest the film to a friend?
  • Rate the film out of five.

Use the example below to help you.

Finding Nemo Review



British Birds Quiz

Have a go at this excellent British Birds Quiz which has been created by our story teller Jake Evans. Answers will be revealed later in the week. Perhaps you could do some research about the birds which you particularly like or are unsure of.

British Birds Quiz

Times Tables Rockstars

On Wednesday 6th May, at 10am, Miss Mogg will be running a Multiplication Bingo game LIVE via our school’s Facebook page. To be as prepared as possible, why not have a go on Times Tables Rockstars?