British Wildlife

We have been learning about British Wildlife Animals . In Year 2  we focused on learning facts about brown-eared bats, toads and harvest mice. We created our own British Wildlife display and wrote memorable facts.


Autumn 1 Spellings

Here is a list of all the spellings that Mrs Probert’s and Miss Morgan’s group will be focusing on during Autumn 1. The children will learn the rule every week and practise their spellings daily in school during our spelling session. A spelling test will take place on a Friday every week.

Autumn 1 Spellings

Arts and Crafts Club

The children in year 2 really enjoyed their first session of arts and crafts. They did a fantastic job at cutting out and folding the template for their “woodland animal desk tidy”. Next week, they’ll put it together and bring it home!

Enkl just for fun | ofamily learning together  

PSHE- Worry Dolls

As part of our author study unit in Literacy, we have been enjoying books written by Anthony Browne. Today we read the book Silly Billy and then made our own worry doll which we will get to take home.

To read the book, click on the picture.

Pin on Picture Books

The children can share their worries with the worry doll and then put the doll under their pillow. The doll takes the worries in the person’s place so that they can have a good night’s sleep and not have to worry about anything!

British Wildlife

Each year group have been allocated some British Wildlife to focus on during the year. In year 2, we have been learning about brown long-eared bats, toads and harvest mice. Yesterday, we created some lovely artwork and wrote some key facts about each animal.


Lots of maths in Year 2 😊

Some amazing maths from the Year 2’s this week!


Homework is optional in Year 2. It is given out every Friday and should be returned at the latest on the following Wednesday, so it can be marked ready to go out again on the Friday.

We encourage the children to practise their spellings and times tables using Spelling Shed and Times Table Rockstar. Please find the website links on classroom apps section.

Year 1 & 2 Common Exception Words

Below is a link to the common exception words for year 1 and 2. These are words they should be able to spell correctly by the end of Key Stage 1.

Common Exception Words

Come Dine With Me

We took part in St George’s Come Dine with Me! We made chocolate crispy cakes for all of the children in Year 5 and they created food for us. In the afternoon we all sat together and ate the food Year 5 made for us. We really liked the pizza toast!