RE- Ramadan Celebrations

Muslims celebrate the end of Ramadan with a huge celebration called ‘Eid’.

Watch the videos on Cbeebies to find out how Eid is celebrated.

Cbeebies Link

Muslims exchange cards and gifts with their family and friends on Eid Day.

Can you make your own Eid card using the one below for some inspiration?

It is traditional to paint lovely henna “mehndi” designs on the hands for celebrations such as Eid.

Have a go at creating your own mehndi pattern using a marker pen.

Our unit on Ramadan has come to an end for now. I hope that you have learned lots of new things about Ramadan and you have enjoyed all of the activities that have been set. We will hopefully revisit this unit when we return to school. 😊

REMINDER- Purple Mash

Purple Mash is a fantastic resource for children to use at home. It has so many activities that they can have a go at independently.

Don’t forget there are also weekly activities (literacy, maths and topic) which have been planned specifically for each age group.

To access Purple Mash you will need to log on using your child’s individual picture password. If you don’t have this, email us at and we will send it over. 😊

Literacy Task


Today’s literacy task is based on the story ‘The Elves and the Shoemaker’.

Read the story here The Elves and the Shoemaker Story or listen to it through this website Audio Story

Write a postcard back to Mr and Mrs Cobbler telling them what the elves have been up to.

We would love to see what you have written so don’t forget to take a picture of your postcard and email it to us at   👍😁

RE- Ramadan

Over the last few days we have been learning about Ramadan.

Can you remember the five things Muslims try to do during this month?

  • They go to mosque more often.
  • They read the Qur’an more regularly.
  • They try to give up bad habits.
  • They give money to charity.
  • They fast during daylight hours.

How many did you get right?

Muslims spend a lot of time praying and remembering Allah during Ramadan.

Have a go at making your own prayer book like the one below.

All you need is some coloured paper, a pair of small hands and a piece of string! 🙂

Let us know how you get on by emailing us at and sharing with us some of the prayers you have written!

Writing competition for all ages

Ironbridge Museum have sent us details of a writing competition which is open for all ages. We would love as many children as possible to take part so please click on the link to see details. Please note that entries need to be sent directly to the museum, not into school. The best entries will be added to the museum’s e-book and two winners will be awarded a book voucher.

Emotional Health and Well-being Writing Activity Pack

Please see this great pack designed to help children improve their emotional health and well-being through writing. There are lots of different activities included in this toolkit- we would say they are generally aimed at our KS2 pupils although you may feel that some of them can be used with younger children with support..

Click on this link to access the resources.

Ramadan- Arts and Crafts

During the month of Ramadan, Muslims try extra hard to be kind and think of other people. Have a go at making your own ‘Kindness Calendar’ and try to complete one act of kindness each day!

Muslims try to visit the mosque more often during the month of Ramadan. Can you make your own picture using one of these ideas?