Facebook Live Session – Friday 24th April


We would like to invite families to join us for a live quiz tomorrow at 10am hosted by Mr Porteous.

PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL CHILDREN MUST BE SUPERVISED BY AN ADULT THROUGHOUT THE QUIZ! No children should have their own Facebook account or be accessing our school’s page unsupervised!

All you will need to participate is plain paper and something to write with.

Dress Code: we would like all participants to be dressed in their smartest clothes. We would love parents/guardians to send in photos of families dressed in their finest, as we will be awarding prizes for the best dressed participants. Prizes will be awarded at a later date.

There will be no prizes for answering the most questions correctly, as one of the aims of the quiz is to make parents/guardians aware of some of the key facts which the children could be learning at home.

There will be a range of questions suitable for children of all ages. The questions which the children are unable to answer themselves will obviously need some support from adults.

Overall we hope to have a fun time and raise everyone’s spirits. However, we also hope that parents/guardians will quickly become aware of what general knowledge questions their children can practise at home and research following the quiz in future weeks.

We also hope to have members of our staff participating in the quiz, as we want our school’s community to have a positive memory to look back on in future years.

See you tomorrow – dressed in your finest 

Bonjour Phase 1


A little French challenge for you to try while you are at home, if you wish.

Can you draw a picture of yourself in a “fantastique” French outfit?

Can you add the Eiffel Tower, the French flag and even the word for Hello?

Can you remember how to say your name and how you are feeling today?

I really can’t wait to see what you can all do.

Merci bien et rester en securite.  Thank you and stay safe.

Madame Sohier

Jake’s Marine Mammals Quiz

How many of the 15 marine mammals above can you name?

A big thank you to Jake Evans, our school’s story teller, who sent this over for our children to have a go at. It links beautifully to our previous science topic which was ‘Animals and their Habitats’.

We will upload the answers tomorrow so you can see how many you correctly identified.

Purple Mash – 2Create a Story

Yesterday, you were set the task of writing your own quest story.

Today you can make that story come alive by making it into a digital story book using the programme ‘ 2Create a Story’ on Purple Mash. This programme lets you combine words, pictures and animations to create engaging stories in minutes!

To access this program log on to Purple Mash using your child’s individual picture password then click on ‘English’ and ‘2Create A Story’.

Click on the video icon to watch a short tutorial on how to use the program!

3, 2, 1…. get creating! 🙂

Arts and Crafts

Keeping with the theme of dragons… have a go at creating this paper plate dragon.

It is simple and easy to make!