Year 2 Maths

This week we are practising our 2, 5 and 3 times tables.

The children had so much fun playing this game to consolidate their knowledge of the 2 times table!

2x table game – Copy

Science Focus Week

The week is our Science focus week, each year group looked at a different scientific career. In Year 2, we learnt about Solar Scientists and what they do everyday in their jobs. With a partner, we created a poster about all the skills you would need to be a Solar Scientist. It was lots of fun learning  about this career, some of us want to be Solar Scientists now!

Year 2 Computing

This term’s computing unit is all about coding. This week we used Purple Mash to design an algorithm that included a timed sequence and used different events in their program to make objects move.


Year 1 & 2 Sports Day!🏅

What a fantastic Sports Day! Well done to all of the children in Years 1 & 2 who took part today. All of the teachers were so proud of the effort you all put in. Your positive attitude and determination was fantastic,  everyone smashed it! 😁

Year 2 RE

Today we had a visitor who came to talk to us about Islam. Sulaiman, is an Imaan at Telford Central Mosque. He talked to us about Islam and the mosque and we had the opportunity to ask lots of questions and learn more about the Islamic faith.


Year 2 Science

Today we had a visitor from Harper Adams to teach us all about seeds. We looked at some seeds and found out that they can be different colours and sizes. We talked about what plants need to grow well and set up a fair test experiment to find out. We planted the seeds in soil and then put some in the dark, some in a cold place and some without water. We are going to water them next week and then check to see which ones have grown the best.


Year 2 Literacy

This week we have started a new unit in literacy focussing on non-chronological reports.

We started the unit by  looking at a model text about tigers and identified the  different features. Then we compared the layout of two non-chronological reports and worked in pairs to  cut up a mixed up report and reorganise it to create a new one!




Year 2 Homework Projects

For their half term project, children in year 2 were asked to create something to represent what they had learned in History about the Victorian Seaside. We had some amazing pieces of homework!  Here are a few examples: