Year 2 History

In History we pretended that we lived during Victorian times and had gone to the seaside. We wrote a postcard to a relative to share what we had done there.

Y2 Maths

Today we started looking at time.

We made an analogue clock which we will use  to help us tell the time. We coloured each half of the clock in a different colour to show ‘past’ and ‘to’ the hour.


Year 2 Behaviour Star Treat! 🍧🍦🍨

The children in year 2 reached 500 behaviour stars this week! As their reward, they enjoyed a refreshing ice lolly with their friends!

Year 2 RE

This week our RE lesson has focused on peace. We went outside to look at the school environment and we talked about how nature made us feel peaceful and calm. We wrote prayers all about peace.


This week in Year 2😊

Year 2 After- School Phonics Session 📖

The children had so much fun during our after-school phonics session!

They played phonic games on the laptop and practiced their reading skills by revisiting a phonics screening from last year.

To access the phonic games at home click here:  Phonics Play.

To access Phonic Screening materials click here:  Phonic Screening Check.

This week in Year 2 ⚖😁

World Art Day

On Monday 15th April it was World Art Day. To celebrate this we had a special assembly for both KS1 and KS2 where we learnt that World Art Day is on Leonardo Da Vinci’s birthday. During the Assembly, every child had a piece of paper and a pencil and we drew our own Zentangles. We looked at different lines that can be used and different ways to use them. The children really enjoyed the assembly and drew some beautiful Zentangles.


Summer 1 Spellings

Here is a list of all the spellings that Mrs Probert’s and Miss Morgan’s group will be focusing on during Summer 1. The children will learn the rule every week and practise their spellings daily in school during our spelling session. The spellings are also uploaded to Spelling Shed weekly  so using their log in the children can practise them using a range of spelling games at home too. A spelling test will take place on a Friday every week.

Weekly spelling lists to go home