Mental Health Awareness Week 🌼

Any sort of reading is good for the soul, giving children time- out from their busy, tech-centred lives and helping them to relax and unwind.

Each day this week, we will try to suggest a book that you can read with your children.

Today’s book is called ‘ Have You Filled A Bucket Today?’ by Carol McCloud.

Use this link to listen to the story on YouTube.

Kindness Activity

Kindness Cootie Catcher

Seen on playgrounds for quite some time, cootie catchers, also known as fortune tellers, have been around for years. Turn a typical fortune teller into a kindness craft with acts of kindness written under each flap, like “give a friend a compliment,” share a toy,” or “let a friend go first.”

Make a Cootie Catcher Filled with Kindness Ideas! Fun Kindness Activity for Friends Make a Acts of Kindness Paper Fortune Teller

Watch this video on YouTube to learn how to make one. 😊

Maths Activity

Following on from the theme of puzzles…

Here is a fabulous website to introduce children to Sudoku. It offers level of challenge, different size boards and also allows for the children to check their answers and see the solution.

Remember, the aim of the game is to fill all empty squares so that the numbers 1 to 4 appear exactly once in each row, column and box.

Literacy Task- Crossword and Puzzles

Children love puzzles- word searches, crosswords and even Sudoku. They love trying to crack codes and find solutions. Today’s activities are all designed to show them how these mind meddlers are made.

Use this website to create a crossword of your own. It is so simple to use and creates the crossword without any complication.

Follow these instructions to create a crossword:

  • Name your crossword in the box shown.

  • Begin by writing 10 – 15 words that interest you and you know about. This is important as you need to be able to write a clue and therefore need to have knowledge.

  • Then, write clues to the words. Remember, the clue needs to help the reader work out the answer. If it is too vague or random it becomes impossible.

  • Once this is done, you are only a click of a button away to creating your own crossword. You can then share this with friends or family and challenge them to try to complete your puzzle.

We hope you enjoy creating your own crossword. Don’t forget to send a copy  to so that we can have a go at completing them!


This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and the theme for this year is ‘Kindness’.

Every day this week, we will suggest a kindness activity for you to do at home.

Today’s activity:

Show someone you love them by creating this lovely flower explaining why they are special to you. 

Random Acts of Kindness for Kids – 25 Ideas for Raising Grateful ...


Don’t forget we are running a whole school kindness project this week.  We want to celebrate all the wonderful acts of kindness around us. Email in any work that you have done to

Examples of work:

  • Photos of acts of kindness that you have seen or are doing
  • Create a picture
  • Write a poem
  • Write a newspaper article

Maths Investigation

 Problem Solving

Developing a systematic approach to problem solving is an essential skill…as is resilience. This is a great problem that can be adapted for any age child. To simplify, use less flavours.

The problem:

Whilst at the beach, you decide to buy a delicious ice cream. There are 3 different flavours on offer:

  • Vanilla
  • Chocolate
  • Strawberry

The ice cream vendor has a sign up in the van:

3 flavours – 2 scoops

How many different combinations are there?

Can you solve the problem? 🤔

Turtles: Come out of your shell!

Today’s task takes inspiration from this poster all about turtles.

The children will have a go at recreating this using their own facts.

Step 1: Use the internet to gather your own interesting facts about turtles.

You could also watch this segment from Planet Earth to learn about Green Turtles and their battle for survival.

Step 2:  Use the facts you have gathered to create sentences for your poster.

Try to start your sentences using these adverbs:

  • Interestingly,
  • Surprisingly,
  • Amazingly,

E.g. Amazingly, some sea turtles can live for over 100 years!

As well as the question opener:  Did you know…?

Step 3: Once you have your sentences ready you can begin to create your colourful poster!

Create an underwater scene and write the facts onto turtles!

Here are some colourful pictures to get you started.

PLATEAU ART STUDIO: Turtles Under the Sea PLATEAU ART STUDIO: Turtles Under the Sea                The early years corridor had a under and over the sea theme ...






Somewhere over the rainbow… 🌈

Continuing with the theme of rainbows… have a go at these lovely craft ideas and display them in your windows to brighten up someone’s day. 😊

Pom Pom Rainbow







Let’s Weave a Rainbow!

This activity is slightly trickier but perfect if you have a spare bit of yarn and for developing early sewing skills.

Click on the link for instruction on how to make it.


Have a lovely day!

Year 2 Team




Active Maths

Numbers and Counting Story Stones, Basic Math Skills Rocks ...

Paint and Hide Numbered Rocks

Write out a series of equations suitable for your children’s ages — these could be addition, subtraction, division or multiplication calculations. Then get your children to decorate rocks, painting one number or symbol on each rock.

So for example, for the following calculation, you use five rocks:

13 + 27 = 40

One rock for the number 13, one for the plus symbol, one for the number 27 and so on.

Once rocks have been painted and numbered, hide them around your home or garden. Then children can have fun finding the rocks to complete the calculations.

Kids Running A Race Clipart

Flashcard Race

This activity is perfect for children who love to get competitive. Create flashcards with mathematical calculations written on them and place them in a line along the floor.

Children can step up to the first flashcard, and once they’ve shouted out the right answer to the calculation, they can jump forwards to the next flashcard.

You can make the line of flashcards as long or short as you like, but to introduce a competitive element, time how long it takes for your child to reach the end. They can then keep practising calculations and trying to beat their own time. Siblings can also race against each other.

Literacy Task

Rainbow with Clouds Clip Art | rainbow with clouds clip art ...

At the moment, rainbows are everywhere- a symbol of hope in these challenging time. In fact, sighting a rainbow has long been believed to be a promise of good things to come. So today’s learning is all in celebration of this!

Write your own ‘Eye Spy’ Poem

Write down the colours of the rainbow

Brainstorm ideas that you associate with each colour. E.g. a red bus or an orange traffic cone.

Then choose the three you like most and create a little Eye Spy poem, like the one below.


Eye Spy

with my red eye, 

poppies swaying in the field,

juicy cherries bulging, 

and an Angry Bird, stomping its feet.