Key Stage 1 SATS

Dear parents/carers,

As you will be aware, year 2 pupils across the country will be completing Year 2 Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs) in May. The results of these tests are used by class teachers to inform their teacher assessments for every child at the end of the summer term. These teacher assessments will be reported to you in their end of year reports. The tests are completed with the class teacher, in the classroom or the area outside of the classroom and this is to keep it as normal as possible for each child. Children will complete tests for reading, SPAG (spelling, punctuation & grammar) and Maths.

If you would like further information, please click on the links below. They are links to the SchoolRun website, which has been set up to provide up-to-date information for parents regarding aspects of school life today. Class teachers and Mrs Foxley are also available to speak to regarding anything surrounding the KS1 SATs so please don’t hesitate to contact them should you wish to.

KS1 SATs Guide:


Year 2 Remote Learning

Please find the activities below if you are currently learning from home…


Today we are learning about lines of symmetry.

Remote Learning Lines of Symmetry


Today we are learning to ask questions, specifically to Florence Nightingale.

Write five different questions that you would ask Florence.


Human Needs

Explorers Homework Project

We have received some breath-taking pieces of homework that were produced by our Year 2 children over the half-term holiday. The children were set an open task of researching a famous explorer based on our current history topic.


Our Year 2 children have made a brilliant start to their unit on fractions in their mathematics lessons. The video above is really good at explaining halves and quarters.

Times Tables Rockstars

Well done to Miss Davies’ class who won the Times Tables Rockstars ‘battle’ that we set for our Year 2’s Numeracy homework last week. We hope that the children have enjoyed playing the game and also that they continue to keep playing the game at home.

Wednesday – Remote Learning


Today, we will be focusing on finding one half of an amount. Watch the video below which demonstrates how to find one half of a number through sharing. (Only watch the video until 51 seconds). Have a go at the attached activity when you have watched the video.

One half of an amount


Today, we are going to use the picture of the moon that we drew/painted yesterday to help us to write a description of that setting. Think carefully about what you could see, hear, smell and what you could touch. Be as descriptive as possible.

Physical Education

Have a go at the various challenge cards below. Have a few goes at each to find out what your personal best is.


Tuesday – Remote Learning


Today we are focusing on the fraction one half. Watch the video below and have a go at the attached sheets.

One Half


Today, we would like you to paint or draw your own setting of the moon. We will then be using this as a stimulus some writing later on in the week. Watch the two videos below to help you imagine what life would be like on the moon.


Today, we will be focusing on sorting information. Have a look at the attached presentation, then play a game of guess who using the attached sheet.

Lesson 1 – Sorting information

Guess Who