Celebrate good times, come on! 🎶

Yesterday you were asked to explore the following question…

Who is Winston Churchill and why is he important to VE Day?”

Did you find the answer?

Winston Churchill was the Prime Minister of Britain during World War Two. He made lots of speeches on the radio which helped the people of Britain to stay strong and positive. On May 8th 1945, Churchill made a very special speech announcing the end of the war.

Today’s question is… How did people celebrate the first VE Day?

Use this short Powerpoint  to learn how VE was celebrated back in 1945 and watch real footage on YouTube. VE Day Celebrations

You task:

Write a invitation to one of your friends inviting them to your VE Day street party!

Here is an example of one to help you. Party invitation



Let’s get moving!

Have go at these maths activities which will keep the children active whilst practising some maths!

Simon Says Shapes

Simon Says is a classic game to get children up and moving, but this version of the game also helps children learn geometry.

Whoever is chosen to be “Simon” can tell the other players to move their arms and legs so that they look like a shape. For example, if Simon says “Show me a square!”, children need to move their bodies to illustrate the shape of a square.

Mathematical Twister

If you have the game Twister, it’s super easy to put a mathematical spin on it. On top of the coloured spaces, stick post-it notes with numbers written on them. You can then instruct children where to place their hands or feet using calculations. For example, “left foot to 3 x 2!” The children will then have to answer this calculation. You could also call out the answer to a calculation to make the game a little more interesting!

Topic work

Over the next few weeks we will be learning about seaside holidays (past and present). 

Start the topic by creating your own seaside picture.

Here are a few example to get you started!

Seaside Collages     Image result for seaside artists ks1 | Clay crafts for kids ...

Let’s get creative!

If you like colour, drawing, painting and creating this is the place for you! 🎨

Deep Space Sparkle is a YouTube channel dedicated to art projects for children.

Deep Space Sparkle

My personal favourite is the recycled cardboard lion- Why don’t you have a go yourself?

Don’t forget to share all of your lovely art work with us by sending a photo of it to year2team@stgeorgesschool.org.uk

VE Day

Question of the day…

Who is Winston Churchill and why is he important to VE Day?

Watch this video to answer these questions.

BBC Bitesize

Show us what you have learned about Churchill by creating a poster!

Don’t forget to send in a photo of your work to year2team@stegeorgesschool.org.uk  👍




Literacy Task

What do you love most about your grandparents?

Is it the lovely cuddles they give you? Or the amazing stories they tell?

Watch this film about a little boy who goes on an adventure with his grandpa.

Taking Flight

Then write about an adventure you’ve had with your grandparents! 👵👴


Mindfulness Activity-Emotion Octopus

Have a go at making this emotion changing octopus out of paper cups.

It can be used as a toy, as an addition to story time or as a tool when it comes to talking about or coping with emotions.

YouTube Video

Lights, Camera Action!

Have you been watching lots of films lately? Were there any that you really enjoyed or even disliked?

Write a review for one of the films you have just watched.

Try to cover these points in your review:

  • Did you enjoy the film?
  • What was it about?
  • Would you suggest the film to a friend?
  • Rate the film out of five.

Use the example below to help you.

Finding Nemo Review



VE Day

This week we will spend some time learning about VE Day.

Use the link below to access a short, child friendly text about VE Day.

VE Day

Have a go at designing a medal for the soldiers thanking them for their service!

Weekend Reading Challenge

What types of books do you like to read?

Do you like books that rhyme? Books from the same author? Or books that make you laugh? 🤔

Use this scavenger hunt to identify different types of books.

How many of these can you find on your bookshelf?

Book Scavenger Hunt – Scavenger Hunt

Have a lovely weekend.

Year 2 Team 😁