Times Tables Rockstars Battle

Part of the children’s homework in Year 2 was to play Times Tables Rockstars as much as possible over the coming week. A massive well done to all of the children who have logged into their account and have been practising their multiplication and division skills. Miss Davies’ class are well in the lead in our ‘battle’ but plenty of time remains this week to participate.

Monday – Remote Learning

Good morning Year 2 😊

For those of you who are currently isolating at home, please find the activities below…


We are beginning a new unit in our mathematics lessons – fractions.

Today, we will be learning all about equal parts.

Equal Parts


Today we are focusing on the reading comprehension skills of sequencing. Watch the video below, then have a go at the attached activities.



This afternoon, we will be looking at Binary Trees. Have a go at the task below which is about classifying animals.

Binary Activity

Alternatively, log-on to your child’s ‘Purple Mash’ account and complete the 2Do: 2Question Animals Database. If you require your child’s log-in details, please email us and we can send them over to you.


In our mathematics lessons, we have been learning all about division. This video clearly explains the written methods that we teach our children to use in Year 2.

Mr Porteous and Mrs Newbold’s Spellings

The spellings which the children in Mr Porteous’ and Mrs Newbold’s spelling groups are learning this week can be found below:










1 Minute Maths APP

White Rose Maths have released a brand-new APP which is free to download via the Apple Store and the Play Store. As a school, we use White Rose Maths to inform our mathematics lessons planning and we would highly recommending this brand-new APP for you to use to support your child with their learning at home. Thank you for your support.

Friday’s Work for Children at Home

Hello and Happy Friday!

We hope you’re feeling okay. Here are some activities for you to do if you’re learning at home.



Today we’re learning about making equal groups by sharing.

Watch the video https://vimeo.com/49260327.


Now, complete the sheet. You could use objects you have at home rather than counters, for example you could use stones from the garden or some of your favourite toys.

Numeracy 14.01.22



Can you remember the four different types of sentences? Watch this video to remind yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_foMADqjSc .

Today, we’re focusing on question marks and exclamation marks. Watch the video and do the activity about question marks https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z8x6cj6/articles/zcm3qhv . Now, watch the video and do Activity 1 about exclamation marks https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zmtpscw.

Complete the sheet Literacy 14.01.22



Next Tuesday we’re going to be making vehicles out of junk modelling materials (cereal boxes, toilet roll tubes, bottles, yoghurt pots and much more).

Today, you’re going to design a vehicle. Can you include axels and wheels that make your vehicle move? What shape of body will your vehicle have? How are you going to decorate it?


We hope you have a great day and enjoy the home learning activities 🙂

Times Tables Rockstars Awards

A massive well done to the children in Year 2 who were rewarded for all of their hard work on the Times Tables Rockstars website during the Autumn term. Mr Porteous is really looking forward to seeing who he will be able to reward at the end of the Spring term for their efforts