Interfaith Week 2023

Our Interfaith Week resources have arrived! The children are invited to get creative to celebrate Interfaith Week this year. They can make a poster or artwork; research a faith and present the facts; make up a song, dance or story…or anything else that takes their fancy!ย  The aim is celebrate, learn, show respect and appreciate the value of diversity. Please hand in your entry to Mrs Holt, Mrs Swan or Mrs Probert by Monday 20th November. Winners will be celebrated and prizes given during Celebration Assembly. We can’t wait to see what you create!

Spelling Bee at St George’s! ๐Ÿ

Spelling Bee Images โ€“ Browse 2,279 Stock Photos, Vectors, and Video | Adobe Stock

We are very excited to announce our first ever Spelling Bee at St George’s!

On Wednesday 22nd November, we will be holding a Spelling Bee for children in KS1 (years 1 and 2), lower key stage 2 (years 3 and 4) and upper key stage 2 (years 5 and 6).

The event was introduced to the children on Monday and it is completely optional, but it would be fantastic to have lots of children take part! All of the children taking part will receive a certificate and the top 3 winners will receive a prize! Anyone that does not want to participate will still get to enjoy the event by being part of the audience!

If your child has expressed an interest in taking part, a copy of their words will be sent home so that they can practise. The words are also attached below. Please note that children will need to spell the words using letter names not sounds.

Good luck!

Spelling words to practise at home

Book Fair! ๐Ÿ“š๐Ÿ˜Š

We will be holding our annual book fair next week, from Monday 13th November to Wednesday 15th November, where there will be lots of fantastic books for children of all ages. There are hundreds of titles available, starting from just ยฃ2.99! All books sold will contribute towards earning free books for school ๐Ÿ˜Š

The book fair will be open in the large hall after school on these days. Your child will have the opportunity to look around the book fair during the school time. If you are unable to attend the book fair in person, your child can bring a wish list home: you can then select a book, make an online payment and your child can collect their book from the fair the following day.

We look forward to seeing you there! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Phonics and Early Reading Workshop for Parents

Little Wandle

Thank you to all of the parents that took the time to attend the Phonics and Early Reading workshops before half term! We hope that you found it useful.

For further information about the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised Programme go to Here you will be able to access videos which show you how to pronounce the sounds and how we teach your child specific aspects of phonics in class. There is also downloadable information to support your child at home.

On Thursday 16th November, we will be holding an Early Phonics drop in session from 8.45-9.15 and 2.30-3.00 for parents of children in our Foundation Stage (Reception and Nursery). Pop in and look at our resources and ask any questions about how you can help your child to acquire key phonic skills and begin their reading journey. There is no need to book, just turn up at any time for either session!

If you have any further questions about Phonics or Early Reading please don’t hesitate to talk to your child’s class teacher.

Thank you again for your continued support.

Art Competition! ๐Ÿ–Œโœ๐Ÿ–Œโœ๐Ÿ–Œโœ๐Ÿ–Œ

Our art competition is inspired by the artist Henry Fraser. We heard about him today during assembly.

Below is a link all about him.

The competition is to produce a piece of art, painting preferably, by holding the paintbrush in your mouth. You will have to persevere, it will be tricky but try your very best!

Entries have to be in after half term on the 6th November. Give them to Mrs Blair, Mrs Bridgwater or Mrs Probert.

Good luck!


Phonics and Early Reading Workshop for Parents

We are holding sessions for this at 2:30pm and 5:30pm on Thursday 26th October.

During these sessions we will be sharing how we teach early reading and spelling in reception and key stage 1. We will also discuss how you can support your child at home with reading.

If you are interested in attending one of these sessions, please sign up through ParentPay.

Come Dine With Me

We took part in St Georgeโ€™s Come Dine with Me! We made chocolate crispy cakes for all of the children in Year 5 and they created food for us. In the afternoon we all sat together and ate the food Year 5 made for us. We really liked the pizza toast!