Are you ready to party?

VE Day Bunting | Free Craft Ideas | Baker Ross

Spend some time creating decorations to display in your house for VE Day tomorrow.

There are lots of ideas on this website for you to try:

VE Day decorations

Don’t forget to send in photos to by this afternoon and we will put together a video to show off your work. 



Active Maths Activities

How did you get on with yesterday’s games? 

Here are a couple more maths activities that will get your children moving!

Bowling clipart to download - WikiClipArt

Mathematical Bowling

Everyone loves ten pin bowling, and you can create your very own bowling alley at home. Save ten plastic bottles and write a number between one and ten on each. If you want your homemade skittles to look extra glitzy, you can get your children to decorate them.

Once you have the skittles, find a ball that you can use as a bowling ball. The whole family can take turns bowling, and when you knock skittles down, add up the numbers on each of the bowling pins to work out your score.

Turn UNO into a maths game

Before you start playing, assign a movement for every colour. For example:

  • Blue — touch your toes
  • Yellow — star jump
  • Red — hop on one leg
  • Green — high knees
  • Wild card — turn around and touch the ground

Whenever anyone lays a card, all players need to carry out the action assigned to that colour the correct number of times. So if someone lays a blue nine, you all have to touch your toes nine times.

Child friendly video about VE Day

Explaining VE Day to younger children can be difficult.

Here is a short video that you can watch with your children. It explains VE Day in a child friendly way and doesn’t overload them with details!

Why do we celebrate VE Day?


Celebrate good times, come on! 🎶

Yesterday you were asked to explore the following question…

Who is Winston Churchill and why is he important to VE Day?”

Did you find the answer?

Winston Churchill was the Prime Minister of Britain during World War Two. He made lots of speeches on the radio which helped the people of Britain to stay strong and positive. On May 8th 1945, Churchill made a very special speech announcing the end of the war.

Today’s question is… How did people celebrate the first VE Day?

Use this short Powerpoint  to learn how VE was celebrated back in 1945 and watch real footage on YouTube. VE Day Celebrations

You task:

Write a invitation to one of your friends inviting them to your VE Day street party!

Here is an example of one to help you. Party invitation



Let’s get moving!

Have go at these maths activities which will keep the children active whilst practising some maths!

Simon Says Shapes

Simon Says is a classic game to get children up and moving, but this version of the game also helps children learn geometry.

Whoever is chosen to be “Simon” can tell the other players to move their arms and legs so that they look like a shape. For example, if Simon says “Show me a square!”, children need to move their bodies to illustrate the shape of a square.

Mathematical Twister

If you have the game Twister, it’s super easy to put a mathematical spin on it. On top of the coloured spaces, stick post-it notes with numbers written on them. You can then instruct children where to place their hands or feet using calculations. For example, “left foot to 3 x 2!” The children will then have to answer this calculation. You could also call out the answer to a calculation to make the game a little more interesting!

Topic work

Over the next few weeks we will be learning about seaside holidays (past and present). 

Start the topic by creating your own seaside picture.

Here are a few example to get you started!

Seaside Collages     Image result for seaside artists ks1 | Clay crafts for kids ...


Hi Everyone,

We have just been sent these details below for a Bake Off competition. If you do enter, we’d love to see a photo of your paper designs or an actual cake if you make one! To officially enter the competition though, you do need to follow the instructions below.

The Mayor, Councillor Steven Reynolds has recently launched his Telford NHS Bake Off Competition and the deadline for this has been extended to 12 noon on Friday 15 May to allow more time for entries to be submitted. The competition as it suggests is in aid of NHS, Carers and Key Workers who are working tirelessly to keep us all protected.

To enter:

  • Design a cake with pen and paper OR
  • Bake a cake
  • Take a photograph and share your creation on the Council’s social media platforms i.e. Facebook and Twitter using #TelfordNHSbakoff or email entries to
  • If you are able to – donate to my Mayor’s Charity Appeal 2019/20 at