Ramadan- Arts and Crafts

During the month of Ramadan, Muslims try extra hard to be kind and think of other people. Have a go at making your own ‘Kindness Calendar’ and try to complete one act of kindness each day!

Muslims try to visit the mosque more often during the month of Ramadan. Can you make your own picture using one of these ideas?


Year Group Emails

Every year group now has an email address set up so families can email work that your child feels particularly proud of or even just to say hello! Emails will only be responded to during school hours and the purpose is for your child to feel that they can communicate positively with staff. Please look on your child’s year group area (within the Parents’ Area) on the new website for further details.









Any general queries or issues still need to come directly to the school office by ringing or emailing admin@stgeorgesschool.org.uk

Jake’s British Mammals Quiz

Jake’s British Mammals Quiz

Following the Marine Mammals quiz sent to us by story teller Jake, we have been sent a British Mammals quiz for you to have a go at now. Thank you to so much to Jake for his excellent resources!

TTS Activity Booklet

TTS KS1 Activity Booklet

Above is a Key Stage 1 Activity Booklet created by TTS. Please be warned before printing, that this is a large document and that you may only want to print off certain sections of the booklet.


Natural Rainbows

Have a go at making your own natural rainbow using things that you are able to find in your garden or whilst on your daily walk.

Being busy in school.

The key worker children that came to school yesterday were very busy. We spent the afternoon outside where John and Tom were in charge of building a stick house. They had the idea themselves and were the foremen for the build. They made sure all the sticks were the right size and that people knew where to put them. They then led a team of decorators. The project was completed on time and under budget. Well done boys!


Nikita made a natural art picture, Oscar and Mrs Mackeen took turns to sing songs by passing the ‘singing stone’ and Jake carefully split open some cherry stones using a rough rock that he found to collect the seeds.



Today’s literacy task is based on the short film ‘The Catch’.

The Catch

Create an emotions graph tracking the boy’s emotions through the events in the story:
– Waiting for the first catch
– Seeing the injured fox
– The fox stealing the fish
– Chasing the fox
– Seeing the giant fish
– Trying to catch it
– The catch at the end

Here is an example of what your emotions graph could look like.

RE- What is Ramadan?

Yesterday, we looked at the Five Pillars of Islam– Can you remember what they were?

We know that Ramadan is one of the five pillars. Today we will look at this in more detail.

Use this short power point to learn more about Ramadan.

The month of Ramadan

Now have a go at making your very own moon sighting binoculars!

How to make binoculars


Emotional Health and Wellbeing





We hope you are keeping safe and well. We know that for some, being in lockdown is difficult. We will try to keep adding resources and information which may help you. Thank you to Miss Slaney, one of our teaching assistants, for working really hard on this.