St George’s Maths Dictionary (Year 3)

Please follow the link above that will take you to the Mathematics Curriculum Page of our school website. Here, you will find a PDF document which is available for you to download called ‘Year Three – Maths Dictionary’.

The document has been designed to help parents support our children at home with the vocabulary that they are likely to encounter during their Mathematics lessons in school.

We hope that you find the document useful.

Home Learning: 24.2.21

Numeracy – Understand angles and turns

Go through this PowerPoint to learn about angles and turns. Then complete this Worksheet and check your answers using this Answer Sheet.


Literacy –  Understand and use imperative verbs

Go through this PowerPoint to learn about Imperative verbs. Then complete this Worksheet. When you finish, you can attempt this word search and word maze!


Foundation – Hinduism (Special Festivals)

Go through this PowerPoint to learn about Special Hindu Festivals. Use these resources and have fun!

Lesson Presentation Special Festivals

Activity Sheet Hindu Festivals Key Words

Activity Sheet Hindu Festivals

Diwali Paper Lantern Templates

Rangoli Pattern Diwali Paper Chain

Story of Holika and Prahlad Cards

Home Learning: 23.2.21

Numeracy – Add and Subtracting Capacity

Watch this Video Link to learn how to add and subtract capacity from each other and go through these differentiated worksheets and then look at extension activity and extension activity (2) if you finish.


Literacy – Identify features of instructional writing

Watch this Video Link, go through this PowerPoint and read through this Example Text to familiarise yourself with instructional writing. Next, complete this worksheet to write your own instructions about making a jam sandwich. You could always make your sandwich after writing your instructions!


Foundation – French Numbers

Go through this PowerPoint about French numbers and complete this Activity Sheet.

You can use these resources to help you/play games with:

Flashcards Months

Matching Game Cards Months

Number Cards 1 – 12 Months

Picture and Word Flashcards Months

Foundation – Touch Typing

Practice your touch typing skills here. Start off on the easier levels and only move on when you’re confident. Remember, only use the fingers directed for each letter!


Home Learning: 22.2.21

Numeracy – Adding & Subtracting Mass

Watch this Video Link and go through this PowerPoint to learn how to add and subtract masses from one and other. Then complete this Worksheet and check your answers using this Answer Sheet. Use these Animal Top Cards to play a game with a family friend. Who has the heaviest animal? Can you work out the difference between them?Try extension activity (1) and extension activity (2) if you can!


Literacy – Write a recount of your half-term holiday

What did you do over your half-term break? Use this template to help you scaffold your recount. You could take this plan and produce a written paragraph if you like. Remember to write your recount in chronological order (in the order things happened)!


Foundation – Hinduism: Special Places

Go through this PowerPoint and then complete each of these worksheets about Comparing and Contrasting Hindu Places of WorshipComparing MandirsPuja Offerings.

Weekly timetable

Hello Year 3, we hope you have all had a great half term and look forward to catching up with you throughout the week.

Here is the timetable for this week:


And the resources that you might need can be found here:


 Add and Subtract Mass

Presentation – Add and Subtract Mass


PowerPoint – Turns and Angles

 Turns and Angles

PowerPoint – Recognise Right Angles in Shapes

 Recognise Right Angles in Shapes



Caesar’s Calendar Conundrum

Defeat or Retreat

Live Like an Emperor!

The Captivating Colosseum



Example Text

Write instructions to make a jam sandwich

Year 3 Instructions Example Text PowerPoint

Imperative Verbs PowerPoint

Imperative Verbs Word Maze

Imperative Verbs Word Search

Imperative Verbs

Chaos at Local Flour Mill!

Improving Your Reading Skills with Predicting Pip

Predict before reading activity

Reading Comprehension with a Twist

The Fox and the Wolf

The Treasure Map

Suffix er and est



Activity Sheet Comparing and Contrasting Hindu Places of Worship

Activity Sheet Comparing Mandirs

Activity Sheet Puja Offerings

Visiting a Mandir Checklist

Lesson Presentation Special Places

Lesson Presentation Special Festivals

Activity Sheet Hindu Festivals Key Words

Activity Sheet Hindu Festivals

Story of Holika and Prahlad Cards


Lesson Presentation Months

Activity Sheet Months

Matching Game Cards Months





Friday 12th February

Happy Friday Year 3!

Here are today’s lessons:


For numeracy today we would like you to have a go at Y3-Arithmetic-Full-Test-2, remember to use the mental strategies that we practise in lesson to help you.


Today is spelling day, try and get someone at home to give you a test on this weeks spellings.  As it is half term next week we are not giving out any new spellings this week 😀

You can have a go at The-Owl-and-The-Pussycat-Poem-Handwriting-Practice.

Today marks the start of Chinese New Year, you will find some information about this in the PowerPoint: All about Chinese New Year

Here are some activities that you could have a go at:

Code Breaking

Colouring sheets

Dance activities

Fortune Dragon

Paper Dragon

Paper Lantern

We would also like to say a huge well done for all of the fantastic learning that has been happening at home and in school, all of the children have had fantastic attitudes and produced some brilliant pieces of work. We hope you all have a great half term!😀

Thursday 11th February

Here is today’s home learning:


Continuing capacity, today we are going to be comparing different capacities.

Work through this lesson: Measuring and comparing capacities

You could have a go at this resource too: Horizontal Format – Compare Capacities

This PowerPoint will help you: PowerPoint – Compare Capacities


Look back at Tuesday’s lesson on acrostic poems, we would like you to have a go at writing one based on Valentine’s Day.  You can use this template if you like, or create your own! valentines-acrostic-poem

You could also have a look at the writing ideas below:

Valentine’s Day Writing Activity

Choose a couple that you find interesting to have a go at.

Don’t forget that it is your spelling test tomorrow so spend some time practising your spellings too!


Follow the link to your music lesson, this week we are looking at rhythm and pulse. (for the last activity you might need someone in your house to join in too!)

Here are some resources for you to look at as well:






Wednesday 10th February

Good morning😀 Here are the resources for today’s lessons.


Today we are moving on to look at capacity (remember there might be some things that could help you in the kitchen but make sure you ask a grown up first)

Work your way through this lesson, don’t forget that you can pause it when you need to or watch things again if you’re not sure of something.

Then you can have a go at this activity: Measure capacity


Today we are focusing on our grammar skills and will be looking at how and when to use commas in sentences.

Have a look at the BBC website watch the videos and try the activities.

You could also see if you can spot any commas in your reading book.


We looked at how and where Hinduism was founded in our last lesson, today we are going to look at the main beliefs.

Have a look at this PowerPoint: #Lesson Presentation Main Beliefs

Here are some activities you could have a go at, you don’t need to complete them all.

Activity Sheet Comparing Hindu Deities

Activity Sheet Hindu Deities

Activity Sheet Hinduism Main Beliefs

Knowledge Testing Cards

Internet Safety Day

Today is internet safety day so we would like you to spend some time this afternoon thinking about ways that you can keep yourself safe when using the internet.

Here is a link to a story for you to watch called Penguin Pig.

There is an activity to accompany the story for you to have a go at: Worksheet

Or you could have a go at creating a poster explaining the ways that you can stay safe, you can use one of these templates if you would like:

Internet Safety Poster