Tuesday 9th February

Good morning, here is today’s Numeracy and Literacy.

Have a look at this Oak Academy Lesson which looks at weighing and comparing or alternatively have a look at the Lesson powerpoint.

Here is the Independent Task to complete.

You could also have a go at Compare Mass – Horizontal Format.


In Literacy today we are going to continue with poetry, today looking at acrostic poems. Have a look at the Acrostic Poem powerpoint and have a go at writing your own, good luck!

Monday 8th February

Good morning Year 3, we hope you all had a great weekend!

This week in numeracy we are continuing with our work on measures and will be looking at mass and capacity.

Today’s lesson focuses on interpreting intervals on a scale, if you have any scales in your house you can look at these to help you too!

Watch this Oak Academy Lesson.

These resources will also help you:


Understanding intervals

Then have a go at the activity: Independent Task


This week in Literacy we are going to be looking at poetry, today you will be having a go at writing your own Haiku, the BBC website looks at the rules of a Haiku poem, watch the videos and have a go at the activities.

These resources will also help: Haiku Rules Poster  Haiku Teaching Powerpoint

Then use the  Haiku Planning Sheet to help you write your own Haiku poem.

Don’t forget to choose a reading activity and practise your spellings. 😀

This afternoon’s lesson is R.E, we are going to be looking at Hinduism and today will be finding out how and where it was founded.

Watch this video clip in which 11 year old Vraj describes Hindu religion.

Now have a look at:  Lesson Presentation Who and Where

And have a go at the activities:

Activity Sheet Hinduism in the World Today Map

Activity Sheet Map of Hinduism circa 900 BC

Don’t forget to email in any completed work 😀


Week 5 resources

Here are the resources for week 5:


Monday: Flying Saucer

Tuesday: A or an #Lesson Presentation An or A

Wednesday: Correct the mistake – Spelling  Homophones – Look, Cover, Write, Check Homophones Wordsearch  Homophones Matching Pairs Homophones

Thursday: Rosa Parks Extension Activity  Rosa Parks Reading Comprehension

Friday: Windy Nights Poem Handwriting Practice

Reading resources: An Egg-cellent Competition  Breaking News Unbelievable Usain Retires  Two for One  Unusual Olympic Sports


Monday: Lesson 1 – Measure Length (A)  Lesson 1 – Measure Length  Lesson 1 – Measure Length

Tuesday: Lesson 2 – Add Lengths (A)  Lesson 2 – Add Lengths  Lesson 2 – Add Lengths

Wednesday: Lesson 3 – Subtract Lengths (A)  Lesson 3 – Subtract Lengths  Lesson 3 – Subtract Lengths

Thursday: Lesson 4 – Measure Perimeter (A)  Lesson 4 – Measure Perimeter  Lesson 4 – Measure Perimeter

Friday: Lesson 5 – Calculate Perimeter (A)  Lesson 5 – Calculate Perimeter  Lesson 5 – Calculate Perimeter

Next week is mental health week so we will be adding links and resources each day for you to have a look at 😀

French – Activity Sheet Days of the Week  Lesson Presentation Days of the Week  Word Search Days of the Week Game Cards Days of the Week Vocabulary Fans Days of the Week

Art – Britto & Portraits

Music – Percussion Lesson 2

PE – Gymnastics   Move at Home – Superhero Workout

Home Learning (21.1.21) – Numeracy

Today, we are continuing our statistics work by looking at how to interpret tables of information.

Tables are a way of displaying information or data. You need to be able to understand how to read tables of information. This will help with interpreting the data.

Have a go at this activity worksheet.

Lesson 4 – Tables

Lesson 4 – Tables (Answers)

Please feel free to post any pictures of your children with their work on the school Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/StGeorgesPrimaryTelford

Good Luck! 🙂

Home Learning (20.1.21) – Numeracy

Today we are going to continue our work on statistics by looking at bar charts.

Have a look at this video link to understand why we use bar charts and how to interpret them.

Bar Charts Video Link

Now, have a go and interpret the bar charts in today’s activity sheet.

Lesson 3 – Bar Charts

Lesson 3 – Bar Charts (Answers)

Please feel free to post any pictures of your children with their work on the school Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/StGeorgesPrimaryTelford

Good Luck! 🙂

Home Learning (19.1.21) – Numeracy

Today we are continuing our work with statistics by looking at pictograms.

Have a watch of this fun video to get a better understanding of how to interpret pictograms.

Pictogram video link

Now have a go at this activity worksheet.

Lesson 2 – Pictograms

Lesson 2 – Pictograms (Answers)

Please feel free to post any pictures of your children with their work on the school Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/StGeorgesPrimaryTelford

Good Luck! 🙂


Well did you guess today’s country? Today we are looking at the final country to make up the UK….England! 😀

Work through the Oak Academy lesson and have a go at the activities.

Here are some resources which you might like to have a go at as well, you could fill in the facts about England:


Or use this template to create your own world mini book, you could draw pictures, write definitions, facts or examples.

Our World Mini Book

It was great to see all the fantastic work that you completed on Northern Ireland yesterday, keep them coming!